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Got a Wii! and other stuff.

So I got a Nintendo Wii for my birthday and I'm enjoying it. Picked up Super Mario Galaxy, Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, and the Metroid Prime Trilogy along with it. Also got a 2000 points card and a classic controller. Downloaded Sin and Punishment with it. I'm have a lot of fun with it and I can't wait to check out more of the Wii's library since I missed out on the little console ever since it was released. 
I have been a little unactive these past few weeks due to school ramping up and exams. I'll be more active and I hope to write some reviews, and do another Lost Gems blog. 
Until next time, peace!



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Reviews: 1

User Lists: 5

Edited By Aljosa15

So I got a Nintendo Wii for my birthday and I'm enjoying it. Picked up Super Mario Galaxy, Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, and the Metroid Prime Trilogy along with it. Also got a 2000 points card and a classic controller. Downloaded Sin and Punishment with it. I'm have a lot of fun with it and I can't wait to check out more of the Wii's library since I missed out on the little console ever since it was released. 
I have been a little unactive these past few weeks due to school ramping up and exams. I'll be more active and I hope to write some reviews, and do another Lost Gems blog. 
Until next time, peace!