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Do you buy downloadable games? Why or why not?

 I do indeed buy downloadable games, but not all of them. If the downloadable is exclusively in that form meaning I can't go to the store to buy it then it greatly enhances my chance of buying the game. If I can get a copy in my hands, physically, then I'm going to get it in that form. 

I don't know what it is but I feel more accomplished of a gamer when I'm able to actually show off my games, and the way that downloadable games are starting to push themselves into the foreground, I don't know how much longer I'm going to be able to do that. 

Soon, I think it will all be about the list of games associated with your account that everyone can see. Well it's kind of already like that on XBOX Live when people are trying to see what your achievements are, but happening on all consoles.