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Patreon Campaign

Alright so I will not be posting this to the forums because apparently self promotion is bad, even if I am a paying yearly member of the Giant Bomb, and I'm still not sure what I'm actually getting out the deal besides a gold sticker next to my name.

Alright anyways, for those of you who don't know who I am, and somehow mysteriously landed on my blog, my name is Charlie Hawkins, I am an independent video game news and review editor. I tried to make the next Giant Bomb, IGN, or GameSpot, but of course there are so many sites out there just like me that I got swallowed up. Then it dawned on me, there's a ton of games that no one talks about, unless the developers get really lucky, and that's independent games. So now we focus almost completely on Indie games. Sure there are times where we want to play a could of big titles that we have been dying to get our hands on, but the majority of the time, for reviewing purposes, we are playing indie games.

We started a campaign over at Patreon to ask for help from fellow gamers and others to help us continue to do what we do, and to help us expand on what we are able to do, as well as increase our quality. Now to do this we need pledges, we are not looking for hundreds of dollars, we are looking for whatever a person can give, and that can be anywhere from a couple of cents a month to whatever you can afford. So here's the link to the site, Altered Confusion's Patreon. I hope to see all of you over there, or at the very least checking up on some of the indie games we have been able to get our hands on lately.

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