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Second time I've come across a progress-breaking bug in Dead Rising 3. Had to restart chapter 5, now 7.

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Best of 2010

AndrewB: Best of 2010

List items

  • It wasn't a difficult choice to make Mass Effect 2 my game of the year. It was the first and only thing I thought of immediately.

  • I just realized today that I'm nearing 200 hours of play. That has to mean something.

  • Starcraft 2 helped to make it an amazing year for the PC gamer.

  • I think Alan Wake is one of the most under-appreciated games of this year, and I hope that doesn't mean there won't be a sequel.

  • A serviceable but overpriced expansion pack in an age of nickel and dime DLC. I probably only put this on here because I didn't play a whole lot of new games this year and because I loved Dragon Age so much.