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Games Beaten in 2011

In an attempt to track how many games I actually complete, I'm making this list. I'll be noting which games I beat for the first time and which ones are replays.

List items

  • Lair of the Shadow Broker, specifically. I played ME2 god knows how many times in 2010, but this is the first time I made it to the end of the Shadow Broker DLC.

  • Meh. I got it for free (thanks to a Direct2Drive promotion in December) and that's really the biggest thing I can say about it. Definitely good, but not special in any way.

  • Beat it on January 28th. Not half bad, actually. A good chunk longer than I thought and it's got some of the best use of time alteration out there. I also have to give it props for the explosive crossbow--sure, there are other games that given 'em to you, but this one lets you use it for just about the entire game.

  • Finished on February 12th. I thought it was really awesome for a while, but it all boils down to several hours of jumping and jumping. After the second or third wall-run-ti-180-degree-jump-and-swing-on-convenient-bar, the jumping puzzles aren't so cool anymore. Oh, and it has a singularly terrible ending. Literally everything is in place for some kind of conclusion to the story (which was meh to begin with) but it just ends with a side-hug and staring off into the distance.

  • Beaten on March 5th. Once it gets going, it's pretty good. The ending comes out of nowhere, though--I kinda liked it. Made me interested to jump right into the expansion.

  • Beaten on April 16th. Most of my gaming time over the past month has been split between Dead Space, Bulletstorm, Crysis 2, and Dragon Age 2--this one snuck onto the list because I had one level left to go and I really wanted to uninstall it, making space for something else.

  • Finished it on May 1st. It totally seemed like the single player game was a complete afterthought. The opening levels were pretty sweet but everything after the tank segment was pretty much crap.

  • Beat it on May 3rd--a marathon two day playthrough! Just finished getting my Master's degree so I needed to veg out and shoot some stuff. This game did that pretty well. It's definitely showing its age, but the visuals, controls, and creativity are still among the upper echelon of PS3 games. Now if only Sony could turn PSN back on...