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Games for a Masochistic Mood

I'll be honest, sometimes I get tired of playing the easy, hand-holding games that have come to define the current generation of gaming for the most part.  Sometimes games that are being marketed for a mass audience will unfortunately get dumbed down for the lowest common denominator.  I've completed some games without even knowing what the "Game Over" screen looks like. 

Better get used to seeing this.
Better get used to seeing this.

As a gamer that grew up on the NES, this disappoints me.  I was baptized in the fire of Contra.  Battletoads beat me into the ground and made me cry.
Don't get me wrong, games needed to evolve and I'm glad they did.  I think I still have some sort of post-traumatic stress disorder from the water level in the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.  
Still, occasionally I want a game that will challenge, test and, frankly, frustrate me.  Here's my list of modern games I go to if I'm feeling a little masochistic.    

List items

  • I read about this game before I eventually made the purchase, and I have to say I'm glad I did. It was everything I expected, and wanted, it to be.

    Incredibly hard, but not unfair, Demon's Souls forces you to be incredibly deliberate with your actions. If you aren't, you'll die. A LOT. No check points, no pause evil thing of beauty.

  • A complete throw back in every way, Mega Man 9 brought NES-era gameplay to a new generation.

    This is a game where you're going to die, early and often. Still, the sense of relief and accomplishment that come from finally beating a boss after an absurd number of tries makes it all worthwhile.

  • Frustration and grief packaged in a tiny, downloadable box.

  • While the standard difficulty is nothing special, playing through CoD4 on the Veteran setting is painfully difficult, often to the point of unfair.

    CoD4 makes the list while MW2 does not, because I was able to complete MW2 on Veteran while the original caused me to give up in complete frustration.

  • I didn't find MM10 to be nearly as difficult as 9, but Mega Man 10 includes an additional "Hard Mode" out of the box and WOW is it hard. Shame on Capcom for also including an "Easy Mode" in this Mega Man iteration.

  • Here's a game that makes me want to put it down and pick up Pokemon Snap instead. The perfect argument against making modern games difficult.

  • Remember when I said I enjoyed games that were more difficult? Here's the exception to the rule. When Neversoft took over the Guitar Hero franchise, they turned a game that was enjoyable and challenging for me into one that was painful and anger inducing.

    Between adding a cringe worthy number of chords and even going so far as to add notes where none existed in the actual song (see: Slayer - Raining Blood), Guitar Hero III made it's previous iterations look like a walk in the park.

  • Everything that made the Devil May Cry series difficult, repackaged in the form of a sleek heroine.

  • Literally degrades my overall REAL HEALTH from the sleep deprivation that results from playing.