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Video Review: Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric (and the year in review, a bit)

As of this video review, I am deadline-free for the first time since at least October. Though one could say that all of 2014 was nothing but one big long deadline. I made a conscious decision to produce more video reviews, which takes an excruciatingly long time to do thanks to my aged PC.

It started with my video review for Sonic Lost World, after which I dove immediately in to doing a Game of the Year video for 2013. When that was done, I had maybe two weeks until my Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze video review. That was my first video review in HD, and it took me almost four months to put together. I blamed it on not knowing how to handle HD video, and claimed the next one would be easier.

My next video review, for Mario Kart 8, also took four months. Mario Kart 8 came out about two weeks after I finished my DKCTF video review, and you'd think that after MK8, I'd get some time off, but instead, I spent from August to October catching up on all the games I missed reviewing while working on the video.

Doing a video review smack dab in the middle of the Holiday Rush was a bad idea, especially when you consider I also had to review Super Smash Bros., the 3DS version of Sonic Boom, and Bayonetta 2 for along side producing the above video review. On top of all of that, our car didn't pass its emissions test, plus usual holiday shenanigans.

It was less of a nightmare than it sounds -- mainly just a collection of distractions. Despite that, I still came in "on schedule" at four months of production. But now, finally, I am free to do whatever the hell I want to do, for the first time in months, if not a whole year. Unless, of course, the natives demand another GOTY video (and who could blame them).


  • Number Of Data Files Used in Review: 322
  • Breakdown: 114 videos, 167 images (not all were used), 41 sound files
  • Space Taken on Drive: 45gb (unfortunately compressed)
  • Estimated Footage Captured: 30-40 hours (too lazy to get an exact number)
  • Final Video File Size: 1.19gb (720p 60fps)

I also notice that GiantBomb has added the ability to embed tweets in to reviews, but still hasn't re-added the ability to embed videos in to reviews. Alas, then these must still remain as blogs for now.