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Best Games Depicting a Profession

Many games out there allow us to become something we either dream. But these are games that (in maybe an over-the-top fashion) allow us to play as certain types of professions/career choices.

List items

  • Probably one of the few medical simulators out there even if it's not 100% realistic. It's fun, fast paced, and does give a good sense of urgency. It's real enough that my nurse sister could actually tell me what was wrong with the patient in Diagnostics before I even finished.

  • I don't think any other game allows you to point fingers at people when you disagree with them. Great fun, though many things happen that likely wouldn't happen in real life. Makes me want to point fingers at people and yell OBJECTION! or TAKE THAT! when I'm in a debate.

  • While I actually haven't played this game, I definetly remember seeing it in arcades. No other game out there (outside of a certain fire fighting games on the SNES) has fire as the main antagonist.

  • If you call yourself a gamer, you must have at least wondered what it was like to make your own game, or be part of a game developer studio. This is about as close it can get.

  • Not really just one single profession, but multiple. You're an Urban Planner, the Mayor, Transportation Engineer, City Council, etc. You're all of them combined in a fairly addicting game.

  • This has to be the best game depicting the US Soldier. It's freakin' developed by the US Military, how is that NOT authentic?