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  • foreveralice posted a message on the post We're Playing Grounded for the First Time!.

    Crazy thought for y'all: people can live their whole lives not consuming the pop culture you did. It doesn't matter how big or universal you think it is. Learn to celebrate when someone gets to experi...

  • foreveralice posted a message on the post Wii Sports and Resort and Play with Abby! - Part 3.

    For some reason, every time Abby says "two looks alikes" my brain autocorrects it to "Two houses, both alike in dignity" as though it's an original joke. Every time. I'm in a hell of my own making.

  • foreveralice posted a message in the forum topic I made a thing to watch GB videos simultaneously (List Updated Jul 30). on the General Discussion board

    Can we get this thread stickied?

  • foreveralice posted a message on the post 644: WarioWare Without the Wario.

    Order one of everything on the menu and then eat it all is basically Vinny's Dominos order.

  • foreveralice posted a message on the post Nancy Drew: Alibi in Ashes - Part 1.

    Since it's a premium stream, could they just watch and talk over episodes of the PBS Carmen Sandiego show?

  • foreveralice posted a message on the post Jan's Jams.

    @janman I don't know if you'd feel comfortable using clips of yourself, but a nice "Fading to black" or your "THAT WAS THEM" from the pogi boys UPF would be gold.

  • foreveralice posted a message on the post 636: Dragon Attack 11: Aftermath.

    Jeff needs to devote the rest of his life to building a time machine so he can go back in time to kill all moba creators.

  • foreveralice posted a message on the post Episode 04 [Abby's View].

    Abby’s voice when the llama drama began is my favorite thing ever.

  • foreveralice posted a message on the post Episode 3.

    St Vincent will be knocked down and while Abby runs away she’ll say “Abby how could you do this to me?”

  • foreveralice posted a message on the post Giant Bomb Makes Mario - The Final Update Episode 01.

    Can we get levels for Pizza Hut, KFC and then finally a combination Taco Bell/Pizza Hut/KFC level as the world finale?

  • foreveralice posted a message on the post Episode 1.

    @mors: Bespoke: Abby plays Fortnite with Sufjan Stevens while St Vincent does gentle background vocals.

  • foreveralice posted a message on the post Episode 1.

    They could've called it Love This Giant Bomb, but then David Byrne would've showed up and you know he bogarts all the good loot.

  • foreveralice posted a message on the post We Be Drummin'! 05/07/2020.

    Back when we regularly played Rock Band 2, Everlong was the white whale in terms of song we all loved but couldn’t gold star because the drums were so intense. Holy shit, man.

  • foreveralice posted a message on the post Agent Smith Space Jam Warner Brothers Cinnabad With Ben & Jeff.

    @jeff yo, I'm Alice (in Los Angeles) and I'm a lady. Thanks for continuing to take my bad voicemails.

  • foreveralice posted a message on the post VS COM: Guilty Gear Strive.

    All I want is Bridget back.

  • foreveralice posted a message on the post 628: Respect the Headcrab.

    Jeff’s comments about Animal Crossing remind me a lot of his take on Outer Wilds: everyone says this game is incredible so he needs to race to the good parts and then gets frustrated if he’s not enga...

  • foreveralice posted a message on the post The PS5 Hardware Tech Spec Stream.

    Mark Cerny is basically a human version of Mordin from Mass Effect.