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Mass Effect 2 is a Mindblowing Good Time!

I just finished this game after about 38 hours of play-time and all I can say is, "WOW!  What an amazing, unforgetable experience!".  

Mass Effect 1 was a great game but certainly had major flaws, some that were just downright annoying and even boring, but Mass Effect 2 has removed those annoyances (repetitive planets and subpar, filler, side-missions) and has improved in every conceivable way.  Not one bug, not one crash!  The graphics are beautiful, the animations are amazingly fluid and lifelike, the characters are awesome, the voice work is impeccable, the music is spot on,  the action is exciting, the cover mechanics are great, the game-play is a blast, and the story is ABSOLUTELY MINDBLOWING!

The final mission was a non stop, on the edge of your seat, heart pounding, mind blowing experience that I will never forget.  I was in awe!  I just kept saying, "WOW!  This game is freaking awesome!"

This game is an RPG for shooter fans, and at the same time, a shooter for RPG fans.  Mass Effect 2 has brought both genres together seemlessly and made the result the most fun I have had in a very long time.   Mass Effect 2 is as close to perfection as I have ever witnessed in a video game.  Dragon Age Origins was an amazing game, but Mass Effect 2 is even better.  Don't miss this game or you'll regret it!



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Edited By Ham08

I just finished this game after about 38 hours of play-time and all I can say is, "WOW!  What an amazing, unforgetable experience!".  

Mass Effect 1 was a great game but certainly had major flaws, some that were just downright annoying and even boring, but Mass Effect 2 has removed those annoyances (repetitive planets and subpar, filler, side-missions) and has improved in every conceivable way.  Not one bug, not one crash!  The graphics are beautiful, the animations are amazingly fluid and lifelike, the characters are awesome, the voice work is impeccable, the music is spot on,  the action is exciting, the cover mechanics are great, the game-play is a blast, and the story is ABSOLUTELY MINDBLOWING!

The final mission was a non stop, on the edge of your seat, heart pounding, mind blowing experience that I will never forget.  I was in awe!  I just kept saying, "WOW!  This game is freaking awesome!"

This game is an RPG for shooter fans, and at the same time, a shooter for RPG fans.  Mass Effect 2 has brought both genres together seemlessly and made the result the most fun I have had in a very long time.   Mass Effect 2 is as close to perfection as I have ever witnessed in a video game.  Dragon Age Origins was an amazing game, but Mass Effect 2 is even better.  Don't miss this game or you'll regret it!

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Edited By Ham08

I mentioned earlier that I bought Mass Effect 2 and had an amazingly good time playing that game. It is a marvelous creation. The problem is that I can't stop thinking about how awesome that game was/is and I just want to jump back in and give it another go.

Lately, there have been very few games that are good enough to keep my interest long enough to finish them, let alone compel me with such force that I cannot do anything else but play through the whole game again so soon after finishing.  This is it folks!  I cannot imagine any other title released this year that could contend with Mass Effect 2 for "Game of the Year".