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What I’ve Been Playing: 03/29/2020

Hi Giant Bomb Fam! Another week, another blog entry from yours truly.

What have I been playing? More Gears, mostly.

Gears of War 3

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Holy shit this game is insane. I haven’t played a game in a really long time where I’ve yelled out “OH MY GOD THAT IS SO COOL” over and over again. So many parts of Gears of War 3 are incredible. The new enemies, the Lambent, are ridiculous and the game never had a dull moment. On top of all of this, the emotional parts of the story were quite good and I’m surprised they managed to salvage a decent story after the first game.

Gears of War 4

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Yeah, so I jumped right into this one after playing Gears of War 3. I couldn’t stop. The one thing I’ll say is playing through the first three games and then jumping to a current generation Gears of War game made me realize how big of a jump it actually is. Everything is much tighter, a lot of the cover is super destructible, the environmental storms are really neat and I actually enjoyed fighting the new robot enemies during the first half of the game. Also, the new trio of characters (JD, Del and Kait) have all been really good. In the first trilogy, you’re basically hearing meatheads bicker back and forth. In this game it’s seems more light hearted and comedic, which I dig.

Yakuza 0

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I’ve been playing Yakuza 0 on and off between games and I think I prefer playing it that way. The story, the voice acting and dialogue is really good. I’m not terribly far into it but I’m currently trying to find out what this Tachibana Real Estate company is really up to. It’s been fun just playing through the various side missions, because they’re so ridiculous. The last mission was literally about a high schoolgirl selling her panties to make money because she was bullied into it by her classmate, and then you basically getting her to stop and calling out the perverts (oh my god this game is so Japanese and weird). I’m probably going to play this game in longer spurts once I’ve finished the Gears series.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons

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This game is like crack. Look, I just need to craft more items to get my damn three new neighbours to move into Nagusame. If you’re reading this and have no idea what Animal Crossing is I’m sorry, I just really want to find apples and pears. Anyway, this game has been super fun to go into everyday for 40-60 mins at a time and just tinker around. I’m going to end up playing this for a long, long time and it’s really very good. Anyway, I have to get back to crafting a stone table now. Bye. P.S. Tom Nook is an asshole, I’m always in debt to him, smh.

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