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Stunts action in Lupin III remind me of Hong Kong films in seventies...those days when action were real in the films 🤩

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Dungeon Siege Series I've Finished

Space Siege game sister of Dungeon Siege franchise games and she has many reasons to be in this list with DS series, Chris Taylor + Seth + Siege + Gas Powered Games, so I include it here, not to mention, this franchise game; Published from famous companies, such as Square Enix, Sega, Microsoft, 2K Games.

2002~2009 Dungeon Siege, complete campaign 6x*

2007 Dungeon Siege multiplayer map 0x "couldn't find a player to finish it"

2020 Dungeon Siege Legends of Aranna, complete campaign 1x

2020 Dungeon Siege Legends of Aranna "Return to Arhok" complete 1x

2020 Dungeon Siege II, complete campaign 2x***

2020 Dungeon Siege II Broken World, complete campaign 1x

2020 Space Siege, complete campaign 1x

2020 Dungeon Siege III, complete campaign 1x

List items

  • First RPG 3D game after Diablo, a new graphics for a new era of RPG-Strategy game. Did I collect every companion in the game and gather them in one place! xD

  • Another journey, but this time on Aranna, and add new cool scroll spell.

  • Tactic on boss fight and hardcore! multiply combo spell! strong talent tree! truly this game is the brainchild of ARPGame.

  • Continue the story and end it with killing Overmage, and dwarf class playable.

  • Talent, upgrade, upgrade robot, upgrade weapons, upgrade cyborg to get more powerful also evil ending! this game is decent and has own touch 2008*

  • Not vast system loot items it has like DSI and not innovator talent tree-like DSII, and no big companion party like what was 4~8! and there's no donkey to carry my items!!, yet I enjoyed the game, was simple math.

    Don't know! but I all this time when playing, feeling like...Valla! even the ability list and combo passive..yeah! I'm sure Katrina and Valla share many common things :p