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Gaming Moment

I've recently reinstalled Far Cry 2 on my PC and just had an amazing moment sniping away at the railyard. Enemy runs and hide after I kill his mate, the little git wouldn't move out of his hiding spot and so spying an inflammable barrel near him I shot it. However I knew the resulting explosion wouldn't take him out but it did set the grass and vegetation surrounding him on fire. The guy had to run out of his hiding place and into my gun sights, blam, headshot. I've been playing games since I was about knee high to a grasshopper and I'm 34 now and that moment rates very high on my gaming memory moments.



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Edited By Herman30

I've recently reinstalled Far Cry 2 on my PC and just had an amazing moment sniping away at the railyard. Enemy runs and hide after I kill his mate, the little git wouldn't move out of his hiding spot and so spying an inflammable barrel near him I shot it. However I knew the resulting explosion wouldn't take him out but it did set the grass and vegetation surrounding him on fire. The guy had to run out of his hiding place and into my gun sights, blam, headshot. I've been playing games since I was about knee high to a grasshopper and I'm 34 now and that moment rates very high on my gaming memory moments.