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Best of 2009

Tons of new franchises rose up this year but the sequel front still kept it real. Here are my favorites.

List items

  • Coming into BioWare's legacy of RPG at KOTOR really made me feel a bit skeptical when they announced they were doing a throwback style RPG similar to Baldur's Gate. But from the copious amounts of hours I put into the game already I suddenly began to realize what people meant when they held Baldur's Gate in such high regard. Dragon Age definitely gave me a strong interest in old school style western role playing games.

  • There hasn't been many games where I can just sit down for a solid day or two and do absolutely nothing but play in a dark secluded room. Give me my posse to roll with and suddenly the game's multi-player experience becomes a whole lot more fun. Oh yeah, the single player is pretty balls to the wall cool as well.

  • When I saw Borderlands for the first time I was pretty indifferent on how everything looked. Coupled with the millions-o-guns hook and I was sorta interested. After Gearbox announced the new look of the game and seeing the added co-op it was safe to say that Borderlands would be a game to watch in 09. While I was paying no attention to the games paper thin story. Borderlands kept me with hours of entertainment both on and offline.

  • Arkham Asylum took me by surprise this year. Coming out in October calling itself a comic book game didn't generally pique my interest right away. But when I did finally jump into the game I was met with a pretty dirty, dark, desperate part of the dark knight's world. The game made me feel like I was the caped crusader himself.

  • I'm really into Ubisoft's direction with the Assassins Creed franchise. Building on the story they set down in the first game. Assassins Creed 2 furthers and even fixes some of the strong and weak points of the previous game. It sets a good standard on what to do for a excellent sequel.

  • Shadow Complex makes it's debut in 2009 with a bang. The metroidvania game did quick work of most of my video game playing in the summer. Top to bottom the game screams quality. From the shooting to those godamn illusive question marks peppering the underground base. Shadow Complex sets a standard for a quality package for a small price.

  • As one of the years best co-op experiences. Left 4 Dead 2 promises on something it's predecessor didn't, content. Thinking that this is what the first game should have been I get lost in the constant struggle to survive as wave after wave of infected try to take down my four man posse. Left 4 Dead 2 is still plenty fun indeed.

  • The awesome B grade action movie of Resident Evil comes back this year with RE5. The game I played through at least 6 times makes it's way on the list. The core game play was all well and fine but there was just something about rebooting up that campaign and leisurely skipping through the game with my infinite ammo hand cannon. Capcom generally does a good job with replay value and unlockables in their games and this one does not faulter.

  • The change of setting and character made this game feel a whole lot different than the franchise it branches off from. The change of pace was quite interesting and the multiplayer was enough to keep me interested for a good amount of time. Of course it feels like a halo game but really since when did that not work?