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Where's the party?

Let me get this out of the way. I think Castle Crashers is awesome. While it may not be as rhetorically "deep" as Braid or have that distinct old school flavor that Bionic Commando has, it's still a blast to just pick up and play with a few friends. Unfortunately, that's where the ball's dropped. Seeing as many of my friends don't enjoy playing games as much as I do, I must resort to the wild and uncanny world of Xbox Live. By now, my ears have been immunized from the ramblings of 13 year olds and racist pigs, so that's obviously not the problem. The problem is finding a game. Or hosting one. Heck anything to do with Live, Castles, and Crashers is a mess. It's a shame since the few hours I did get to spend with a full four player party a day ago was a blast. I just hope that this upset won't diminish the popultion of crashers online once this situation is fixed (hopefully). I'd hate to find myself stuck in a snowy forest filled with hordes of enemies obviously scaled for four players. That and my other resort being to herd and fool a few of my friends into playing an xbox game for once that isn't named Halo 3.



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Edited By Illmatic

Let me get this out of the way. I think Castle Crashers is awesome. While it may not be as rhetorically "deep" as Braid or have that distinct old school flavor that Bionic Commando has, it's still a blast to just pick up and play with a few friends. Unfortunately, that's where the ball's dropped. Seeing as many of my friends don't enjoy playing games as much as I do, I must resort to the wild and uncanny world of Xbox Live. By now, my ears have been immunized from the ramblings of 13 year olds and racist pigs, so that's obviously not the problem. The problem is finding a game. Or hosting one. Heck anything to do with Live, Castles, and Crashers is a mess. It's a shame since the few hours I did get to spend with a full four player party a day ago was a blast. I just hope that this upset won't diminish the popultion of crashers online once this situation is fixed (hopefully). I'd hate to find myself stuck in a snowy forest filled with hordes of enemies obviously scaled for four players. That and my other resort being to herd and fool a few of my friends into playing an xbox game for once that isn't named Halo 3.