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List of Completed Games on the Xbox 360.

I recently dropped a horrible amount of cash and bought the Spring 2010 Xbox bundle with ODST and Forza. I thought I would make a little list of the games that I have played to their completion, just for fun.

List items

  • One of my first marketplace titles. The game had received some good buzz, so I thought I'd check it out.<br><br>

    The game has Charming in droves, but became very repetitive.

  • I usually wait for games to drop in price before I buy them, but I've been following the Splinter Cell series for a while, and thought it'd be an excellent title to break in my Xbox.<br><br>

    Plus, y'know, Michael Ironside's voice.<br><br>

    The story was interesting, however the game is essentially a long corridor with various challenge rooms along the way. I'd have liked a little more exploration and navigation, but it was still a lot of fun bustin' heads.

    That leads me to the next game...

  • ... which is now, hands down, one of my favorite games of all-time.<br><br>

    The Scarecrow sequences, the voices, the models; everything was spot on. Left me with warm fuzzy feelings inside and had me gushing to my wife, a non-gamer, about every little thing.

  • After getting the game in the bundle with the Xbox, I am surprised I had not played through this sooner.<br><br>

    I was never greatly interested in the Halo franchise until I played it; while the game seems to hinge on the player knowing the universe, it seems I've grossly misjudged the series. I might just have to get some of the earlier games done before Reach comes out.<br><br>

    And I shot all the purple things... {:-(

  • I played the Master System versions of Sonic 1 and 2 when I was little and coveted my friends Genesis copy, so I bought it over XBLA and decided to finally just get it done.<br><br>

    It actually is pretty fun, even after all these years, but I still hate the way Sonic has trouble starting up a hill. What is he? A <a href="">Plastic Pig?</a><br><br>

    Not sure if I am tempted to revisit Sonic 2 yet, though.

  • At the time of writing, I am the top editor for the wiki page since it's release during 2009's Summer of Arcade. I only make mention of this as I've only just had the opportunity to sit down with the game and play through it.<br><br>

    With both this and Arkham Asylum, I feel almost an obligation to the developer, Chair, to unlock all the achievements as a gesture of thanks and support. Also, S-Ranks :D<br><br>

    Though that last Passkey, the one behind the first Spider mech, was such a pain to find. The question mark was clearly taunting me.

  • I got through with the Special Edition last night. Much shorter then I remember, but still enjoyed the ride. I don't even remember how I solved some of these puzzles when I was younger.<br><br>

    "Oh look! I think he likes you!"

  • Perhaps taking a bit longer than I ought to, I finally finished Nuts & Bolts. It garnered a lot of good press from industry big-wigs (big-burns?) so I thought it'd be a good game to play with my daughter. Turns out it's a pretty fun game all around.<br><br>

    I perhaps would not have rated it as simply due to the annoying camera and loose controls at points, but in the end they are only minor quibbles. Two years later, but still worth more than the $20 Platinum price. Solid deal.<br><br>

    Now if I could even bring myself to carry on playing Viva PiƱata: TIP...

  • While playing the demo left me with an indifferent feeling towards the game, Microsoft recently dropped the price from 1200 MSP to 800 MSP so I thought about giving it another shot. I am ecstatic that I did.<br><br>

    Braid is a simplistic platforming title that is utterly transformed by new, ingenious game mechanics into some kind of beautiful puzzle monster. The deceiving complexity of the game lead to a few great eureka moments that make the the game absolutely worth it, even for someone of my low mental caliber.

    Do yourself a favor if you have not played this game yet, don't use a guide: the initial frustration is paid back in dividends when you finally crack the puzzle. I actually found myself solving some of the trickier problems while I was away from the game!<br><br>

    If I had one complaint it would be that the game was too short, but upon reflection if the game twisted my mind any more it'd probably explode.<br><br>

    Braid is definitely up there with Arkham Asylum as some of my favorite games that I think about long after I am finished playing.<br><br>

    I am sensing a pattern: I like games that mess with my head.

  • What can I say? Nostalgia and retro platforming action seems to be my thing at the moment.<br><br>

    I last played this over twenty years ago, and is seems the Prince is just as clumsy as I remember. While Gameloft have tried to rectify this, it's apparent that they did so with restraint and respect. Essentially, this is a gussied-up version of the original; not a re-imagining.<br><br>

    The Prince does have a couple of new moves to grapple and navigate platforms easier than back in '89, but even the way he jumps has been faithfully recreated for those of us that have it burned into our retinas.<br><br>

    New additions, such as the new checkpoint system, helped me tolerate the Prince's eccentricities through to the end, something my seven-year-old counterpart never managed to accomplish.<br><br>

    While it was satisfying to finish, I was left wanting a little by the final showdown with Jaffar. Not so much the fight, which is no doubt spot on with the original, but the visuals. From the very start of Prince of Persia Classic, the levels start getting more and more detailed andcolorful, so imagine my disappointment when I meet Jaffar in what looks like a plain-old hallway.<br><br>

    Still, another 400 MSP I don't regret spending.

  • Yeah. I am in a rut here; fortunately it's a pretty good one.<br><br>

    The original Bionic Commando was something I was only vaguely familiar with. It's the kind of game you have when you are young and never finish it because it was way too hard.<br><br>

    Like Prince of Persia Classic, Bionic Commando:Rearmed has received several new additions including difficulty settings and a checkpoint system, making finishing the game three-quarters less frustrating than the original. Still, if you are indeed<i>nuts</i>, it can be played through using a regular old lives system.<br><br>

    It's short, about 4 hours worth of monkeying around, but very sweet: Specifically the dialogue, art direction, and music. I think there was even a shout out to fellow-2.5D retro platformer Shadow Complex in there as well.<br><br>

    My only gripes are that the swinging is a fickle mistress and you have to go out of your way to get achievements. I know, a horrible thing to critique the game on.<br><br>

    Oh yeah, you still totally get to make Hitler's head explode. Although they do not explicitly show you it's him, dude, that's definitely a tooth brush mustache you see on his rupturing head.