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32Play Blog post - Of Neverwinter Teemos and Men

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Okay disclaimer time:

I have only been playing League and Dota for just over 2 months. I am not very good. This is the story of me trying to get better with the help of two friends. We decided to produce a blog and podcast about that and many other things. Please cringe and applaud at the appropriate times. Be prepared for salt and whining about secret shops and Blitzcrank. Don't take things too seriously and enjoy watching me squirm.

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Welcome once again to 32Play - no cabaret this week as Adam had to run off somewhere at a minutes notice, but we'll be back on the podcast tip soon.

Remember to email us at

Learning League

Well..boy, there's been a ton of news this week. Patches dropped, Azir was named (as Chris rightly said 'Stargate called and wants it's helmet back') and previewed as well as Sugar Rush...if you could dodge the DDOS and massive lag. Soraka/Cassie/Viktor reworks are in the pipeline (as well as that ever elusive Sion rework apparently) and new skins..we'll probably deal with those next cabcast.

From my point of view the most interesting thing this week was watching CRS vs CLG on Monday/Tuesday. I've never actually spent the time to watch a 3 match set and it was really interesting. Completely different to soloQ naturally but..interesting nevertheless. The aggressive beginning and the fact that..thank god..EVERYONE warded was the most interesting thing. The power of Syndra in mid (IF you are quick enough to hit your E..thus Chris talks me out of buying her) and Zilean (powpow) cannot be mistaken. I'm sure I probably missed the big plays so if you want to bring stuff up - please do at the bottom.

I picked up Sona in the early week sale and have pretty much just been playing her in Team Builder. My win rate had gone up pretty hard (it was 5/1 at one not so much) since I started with her.

  • I find that she has so many little tricks be it with her Q aura or W..or geeze even E has saved me more times than I can count.
  • Flash R is something I would do more often IF I played in a steady group but it's too much 'all eggs in one basket' when there's typical soloq stuff going on.
  • Speaking of which today I had the great pleasure of laning with a very angry Vayne who blamed me for her suicidal tendencies against a Tristana and Braum...but what can you do eh?
  • I try to get as many aura based items on her as well as CD boots. Now I know many people swear by mobility boots these days but CD for Sona seems to me a bit more helpful as E can get you away fast enough.
  • SOOO many non ADCs playing the ADC role this week..I mean..Gnar gtfo.
  • Best lane I've had is with Sivir..mass murder all over the place.

If I'm having a bad game or two I'll go into a bot match..or what has become known as my 'Therapy session' with beginner bots and play top Evelynn running a dual build of AP and AD. Yeah its just bots but the massacre that follows always makes me feel better...she really needs a better skin, or at least to show less of it..also that dance is yuuuuck.

Chris has been hitting for six in the Summoner School over in reddit land. Apparently his mid Diana snowballed hard and it shouldn't have..or something. I'm sure he will elaborate.

Do you even Dota2?

Nope..this week I don't. Chris however did and had a bit of jolly co-operation with a Russian in a co-op game. I'll let him expand upon that in the comments if he wishes. Techies is coming out soon?? I guess...

Path of the Tenno

Again a ton of stuff happened in Warframe land..most of which I ignored because there's only so much time I have in my life for gaming at the moment. Update 14.5.1 dropped a revamp of the mod system (confusing) some new loot (eh) and a new tileset and mission to go with it.

Chris and I boldly venture forth into the snow with more Russians, this time wearing gold codpieces..t'was the season of their discontent. I won't say this took a ridiculously long time to upload but..thanks Chris for sticking it out. We also only made one video..honest.

Extra credit

All 3 of us, with only Chris and I remaining, took a good long look at the FTP MMO Neverwinter on Steam. Here I look at the first 45 mins or so in the life of a rogue halfling in Neverwinter.

For some reason obs decided to only film the middle of the screen, so apologies for that. Following this recording my account disappeared into the ether so I had to restart. It may not sound like it during the video but I actually enjoyed playing as a rogue and restarted..Chris and I are currently around level 17 and we may do a video looking at the user generated content, the major draw of the game. Also turns out that my new Drow rogue is kinda OP....

In other news I've been playing Of Orcs and Men and rather like it. I had an interview on Tuesday for some fingers crossed.

Adam has gone down the Diablo 3 rabbit hole again and we should probably send out a search party.

Chris has been....working?


Steam ID is Jazz and my LoL ID is JazzGB or Ahriman Efreet

Gunslingerpanda's Twitch Stream - link

Lolking link to my profile - link

Dota2 profile on DOTABuff - link

You can find Adam's reviews at Critical Gamer

My YT channel is JazzGB

Chris' YT is Teebeekaay (currently in production)

Adam's YT is TheBMPanda

Thanks for stopping by, hope you enjoyed the show..please leave any comments you have in the area below.

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