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Completed Broken Age. Beautiful. Looking forward to Act 2 and happy that this game was made.

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Finally finished Alan Wakes last DLC

I finally finished Alan Wakes last DLC "The Writer", and here are my thoughts. For the main game I thought the story was really good, but I got really, really tired of the combat mechanics by the end. I just wanted to get through the encounters so I could experience the next part of the story..

"The Signal" had a good story, and the ending was great. But the combat was even worse in my humble opinion. The difficulty was ramped up and certain sequences was extremely annoying to complete. Especially since the combat mechanic isn't that good in the first place.

So I had a lot of doubts about the second DLC, but gameplay wise it was a big step up. Less combat and more weird dream sequences are just up my alley. Story was quite good, but the ending wasn't as good as all the other episodes' cliffhangers. Well.. that was my two cents on that game.


Bye - you will be missed

Damned i'm miffed about the whole 1up thing. Giant Bomb and 1up is in my opinion the only gaming sites really worth anything. I especially loved their podcasts. 1up had the intellectually most satisfying podcast (not counting giant bombcast) and some interesting personlaities.

I can now only put my faith in the future of Hang in there!!


...And now Final Fantasy VIII as well

I'm feeling very retro, but i'm really, really looking forward to playing through the

Final Fantasy goodness
Final Fantasy goodness
series . So far i'm about 3 hours into Final Fantasy VII and i'm totally enjoying it.  I'm going to put up something about Final Fantasy VII, and at the very least a review after completing it. 

What now? Should i perhaps get Final Fantasy IV for the DS? Must ... control... collecting gene.. 

Just got my hands on Final Fantasy VII and IX

And with Final Fantasy VIII on the way, i have to admit i feel giddy about that. I even them new and still packaged for a reasonable price. My only worry 

This game changed my views on gaming
This game changed my views on gaming
y is th a t a pending announcement of a VII remake or PSN release will make me feel a little silly. I think a PSN version would be a smart move on Square Enix's behalf since that would enable people to play the game on a PSP - which would be cool.

I'm actually looking forward to checking whether or not these games are still worth playing or not. I remember playing VII on my PS 1 back in the day, and that ga me along with Metal Gear Solid completely changed my view on gaming and consoles. Up until that point i couldn't imagine playin on anything else than a personal computer.

What i'm planning is starting on VII and sharing my thoughts about it here on this blog. Or sort of semi-spoilerish on going review. And then continue with crisis core, Final Fantasy VIII and so on. It will take some time, and who knows. Perhaps i can time my completion with the pending release of XIII.