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Finally getting my hands on an Xbox One tomorrow. Super excited! :)

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New PC Build v2

I started a rather decent built here in another blog post, and came to the conclusion that some parts just didn't suit my needs. Now that I've done a little more research, I've been able to compile the following computer. It fits my budget much nicer, while still being able to do the things I want it do. If any duders see a flaw in the compatibilities, please let me know. If something is missing that I've over-looked, I would really appreciate the insight!


Core / Internal

Accessories / Non-internal

Now that I'm more satisfied with my build overall, my only concerns lie with incompatibility. My main concerns are: Is the PSU enough to power it all? Will everything fit in the case correctly? (and) Is the CPU fan enough?

Thanks again for all the help, duders!