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Podcast: DF #78: The Citizen Kane of Gaming Podcasts

Another week and another episode of Distributed Failure is here for your listening pleasure! We spend an awfully long time on "What We've Been Playing" and feature a nice discussion on our Question of the Week. It was another fun show to record and we hope you enjoy listening to it as well.

This week's "What We've Been Playing" features discussion on Brutal Legend, Katamari Forever, Axel & Pixel, Fishing Girl, Dark, Frontlines: Fuel of War, South Park Let's Go Tower Defense Play!, and plenty more. We follow that up with some gaming news including the idea that gaming journalists should have to develop a game before becoming a journalist, a PSP Minis developer surprised by the cost of getting an ESRB rating, and more. We end the gaming portion with our "QotW" and have a very good discussion on our "Citizen Kane" of gaming.

We end the show with another "Sausage Dump" and discuss such TV shows as Supernatural and the not so awesome film, The Lost Boys: The Tribe! We hope you enjoy the show and don't forget to rate/review us on iTunes.