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Top 10 Biggest Video Game Dorks

There are the badasses, and then there are the characters that were just put in for comic relief...............................and then there are these guys. The most annoying, geeky, and personality-less characters in the history of gaming. 

List items

  • A military commando with robotic parts to do everything for him? Sure, that's cool. I could go into detail about everything that makes this guy a dork, but instead i'll list the few things that actually make him coo..........oh.....well, I tried.

  • Cocky, over persistent, too clean, and all around no personality. Iv'e got nothing to work with because he's bland at the same time! Oh, and did I mention changing one letter of his last name makes it "Ketchup?"

  • I'm not calling this guy a dork because he wears glasses or anything like that. The main reason this guy's a dork is because he's taken a high liking into anime, freaks out whenever a girl comes within 10 feet of him, and as if that isn't enough, don't forget his name is Francis.

  • Uh....I know this guy was a huge hero in the cult classic Kid Icarus, but when you look like a lesbian, sound like one, and haven't had a decent release in years.......yeah, you're a dork.

  • No wonder almost nobody selects this guy. He has stupid sayings, weird leg warmers, and let's not forget his trademark "O" face.

  • Move over Raiden, they'res a new dork in town. I doesn't matter if your'e part of an elite military unit, can wield a high-caliber sniper rifle, or have a sweet balaclava. If you spend half of your missions crapping yourself, you're just hopeless.

  • This guy was probably pretty hip in his high school, but that fact that he tried to keep it up though being an adult is kinda childish and annoying. I bet half the time Niko wants to cap this bastard!

  • This guy was the shit back in the day, and that's the reason he's low on this list. The fact that Sega bastardized and cleaned up this perfect hero has granted him the title of "semi-dork".

  • I know you're known for your wise cracking puns, and you're a nice guy, but you just need to shut up every now and then! Is that too much to ask!?