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GOTY 2012

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  • Simply amazing storytelling, The Walking Dead made me care for the story and the characters in a way very few games have done. The best game all year, no doubt about it.

  • Journey is unique, interesting and, quite frankly, an incredible experience. I'm having trouble describing the game, but it more of an impact on me in two hours than almost any other game in 2012.

  • To my shame, I've never played any of the previous XCOM-games, so I have no idea how it holds up compared to those. On its own, however, XCOM: Enemy Unknown is a game turn-based strategy game. It's difficult in a good way, and making your own guys, giving them equipment, training them to a high level and then watching them die because you made a stupid mistake is my idea of a good time.

  • Far Cry 3 is a LOT of fun. The core gameplay is great, and there's a ton of content in the stunning world the game is set in. If only the narrative was up to snuff.

  • CK2 is a niche game that not everyone will get into, but those looking for a game like this will LOVE Crusader Kings 2. There's a ton of fun to be had in this deep strategy game, and the amount of playable "characters," nations and scenarios provide almost infinite replay value.

  • Prior to its release, I thought for sure this game was going to be my number one game of the year. Unfortunately, it ended up being the biggest disappointment of the year. Nonetheless, the best parts of this game still put it in the top 10 games of the year.

  • TTT2 is a fun fighter. Filled to the brim with content, there's a lot to see and do in this game. With a million characters to choose from, it's not easy to run out of stuff to do in this game.

  • FTL is a roguelike... IN SPACE! It's really challenging, and though easy to learn, it's hard to actually beat this game (I certainly haven't done it).

  • Diablo 3 is not nearly as fun and addicting as I expected, but it's still a pretty damn good game. Bashing monsters with various superpowers and taking whatever they drop is a good way to kill a few hours.

  • Spec Ops: The Line is a military shooter where the value is in the... story. Huh. The gameplay is nothing to write home about, but the campaign was interesting enough to justify picking up this game.