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Revisiting the Past

 So I am very unhappy to announce that my computer decided to give up the ghost last night, the first the screen stopped displaying an image and then the whole computer stopped turning on. I believe the computer is completly broken and since it is old and was never a very high end laptop I am just going to ditch it and keep my hard drive. Unfortunatly this means that I cannot blog from my laptop any more. I am going to do my best to keep up the blog for the last week of my trip but it will be a bit harder so dont be suprised if there is only 1 or 2 more posts. That being said I should be posting my last few days sometime later today.



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Edited By macandcheese

 So I am very unhappy to announce that my computer decided to give up the ghost last night, the first the screen stopped displaying an image and then the whole computer stopped turning on. I believe the computer is completly broken and since it is old and was never a very high end laptop I am just going to ditch it and keep my hard drive. Unfortunatly this means that I cannot blog from my laptop any more. I am going to do my best to keep up the blog for the last week of my trip but it will be a bit harder so dont be suprised if there is only 1 or 2 more posts. That being said I should be posting my last few days sometime later today.