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Working on a lil somthing something. For the bombcast thing.

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Bombcast Breakdown!! - 5.31.2011 - #37

Because two exclamation marks means you're super serial about it!

I have this weird goal of going through each show and taking copious notes, as this whole college thing has taught me. You can find all of the previous entries in this series via my blog, the Bombcast forum, or simply by searching up top. Whenever there is pertinent discussion on a given topic/game/person, I'll do my best to link that individual Breakdown to that particular page.

This is a fluid list. Beta as its popular to be known as. Things are going to be dynamic, pertaining to formatting and such, until I get a feel for how things are going to turn out. Categories may be added, renamed, or simply taken away on 'cast to 'cast basis. Let me know if you see something wrong! This is as much mine as it is yours!


  • Voices - obvious enough, who's in the podcast
  • Reviewed - initially going to be reserved for the taste testing they did early on in the series, will see how things turn out later when they start phasing it out
  • Movies mentioned - despite being a videogame-centric podcast, these guys have some serious debates on movies and people/ideas pertaining to them
  • Games mentioned - games/game series mentioned on the 'cast. Listed if the game has some type of discussion or context behind it, not simply if name dropped
  • Companies Mentioned - these guys spit knowledge about companies like nobodies business. best to catalog it all to be held against them
  • Names dropped - much like the games mentioned, people mentioned if it pertains to the 'cast
  • Out of context quotes - the tiny crazy bits we all love our boys saying. taken directly out of context makes it even more hilarious
  • Timestamps-the parts of the 'cast that are fairly easy to distinguish with Ryans segway ability. Oft times these will seamless lead into a bigger discussion on the topic
  • Definitive quotes - the bits where they're all business, and give their honest opinion/prediction on a topic. If you were to jump to a time in the 'cast, these would be it
  • General notes - ideas I've garnered from the crew during the 'cast
  • ******* - multiple astricks denote a few minutes of the 'cast you'd do well listening to, if for nothing else than the hilarity/gravitas of it all
  • 1+ - denotes where they talk about a certain topic for more than a minute, instead of simply dropping the name in there for no discussion.

Giant Bombcast ep.231 -- 5.31.2011



  • Whiskey Media Basement

Movies Mentioned

  • The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (1.35.18)
  • Three Kings (1.47.06)
  • I Heart Huckabees (1.47.15)

Names Dropped

Companies Mentioned

Games Mentioned

Out of Context Quotes

  • Take it from the top - vinny (.42)
  • I'm staring at him and his beautifully shorn pate - ryan (.57)
  • I have to tell you this, it's by law; I play Demon Souls - vinny (1.10)
  • I ordered an electric shaver, I call that giving up - jeff (1.26)
  • probably 8 years ago...I devised a hairstyle that requires no maintenance whatsoever - brad (2.24)
  • I walked out of the bathroom and asked 'does this look alright jess?' 'nooooooo' - vinny (5.05)
  • I don't know, I spent like 250$ on some Norelco thing - jeff (6.15)
  • I understand it's being advertised on television by baseballs players, so it must be good - jeff (7.05)
  • must be the Italian in me; Thats not a personal hygiene device, thats a weapon - vinny (8.03)
  • Speaking of staples, soon we'll be right next to the Staples Center! - jeff (8.35)
  • hey, im not good, im quick - jeff (8.47)
  • I definitely fisted a couple guys - vinny (16.15)
  • have you read the novels? what? it's not going to make any sense if you haven't read the novels - ryan (26.40)
  • What if baseball players had to play football? - jeff (33.39)
  • I don't care where the players are coming from, lets get inmates and put them on a football field and give them baseball bats - ryan (34.09)
  • we can make it happen in 20xx and make it happen on a burning field of amplifiers - jeff (34.54)
  • I think boondoggle is way passed kurfuffle, because boondoggle is only a couple steps away from fubar - vinny (35.37)
  • We need to make money off of people who are playing our game all the time - ryan (44.40)
  • If I go into E3 clean, it takes like what, 24-48 hours at least for incubations so prolly thursday or friday when we're getting ready to leave, then thats fine - vinny (1.03.11)
  • Im just going to be drinking hand sinitizer between now and E3 - ryan (1.03.47)
  • So this is brad speak? brad bucks? - vinny (1.05.53)
  • no the zerg are just into hardcore rap - ryan (1.10.10)
  • Im robbie. you want to make the zerglings tougher? we'll give'em 15 more hitpoints and they can hatch you want to be able to build on not creep? talk to me! - jeff (1.10.58)
  • I don't want to learn zerg, I want to burn zerg - jeff (1.14.35)
  • Fair weather fruit dealer fans man, they fucking hop on board when everythings going great - ryan (1.17.05)
  • nine dollars a match to play starcraft 2 - ryan (1.19.21)
  • bear loot was always the best loot - jeff (1.24.17)
  • I'm not writing the review, but i think you should wait for the review on that game, and maybe read some other reviews before making a decision regarding purchasing that game - jeff (1.25.30)
  • no, we don't do my favourite part of the show anymore - jeff (1.26.20)
  • Bioshock is coming out calendar 2012 - ryan (1.28.20)
  • how many brad bucks are you willing to lay out for this date - jeff (1.29.29)
  • There are probably four or five appointments on our schedule for unannounced game - brad (1.30.16)
  • you not reading hitchhikers guide is tantamount to you not seeing monty python - ryan (1.39.46)
  • somebody get Nolan North into a gym. Get some abs on that guy - brad (1.48.14)
  • because I wanted to prove to myself I can watch the worst tv possible - jeff (1.53.30)
  • from the people that brought you other really badly named things - ryan (2.03.27)
  • I'm already picturing chicks hatching from eggs, time-lapsed pictures of flowers blooming - brad (2.05.26)
  • I don't know what on me got soft - jeff (2.07.19)
  • Intellivision. Intelligent televesion. fucking perfect. - jeff (2.10.00)
  • Can my tv run doom - jeff (2.33.51)
  • and Peter Molyneux will say something about his balls - ryan (2.36.09)

Definitive Quotes

  • Week before E3! - ryan (4.53)
  • That game is going to age horribly - ryan, LA Noir (17.15)
  • I think the main story throughout the whole thing, the larger narrative, I thought was very powerful. I thought it was a very mature, very narrative, very grey - vinny (24.20)
  • if you're starting this organization that is going to have to support your paid service to support your paid service, then maybe you've gone about it wrong - jeff, Call of Duty Elite (42.25)
  • the basics of how the console business works would have to change so dramatically for us to get a point where people are paying to play a 16 player multiplayer games on a subscription basis, on top of what they are already paying to do that on an xbox - jeff (45.30)
  • There is an unforgivedness to games developed in Eastern Europe I find, and if you can get past that then there is usually some pretty awesome shit - ryan (1.00.57)
  • Just keep an eye on your lymph nodes, if they start swelling up you've got an issue - brad (1.03.09)
  • every single thing thats related to The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy that is not the book The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy or The Restaurant at the End of the Universe is garbage - ryan (1.35.43)
  • I'm saying that wrestling is dumber than ever - jeff (1.55.26)
  • If not me, who. If not now, when. - jeff (2.21.44)
  • I think its safe to assume the next Nintendo console will play dvds - jeff (2.28.11)
  • I think there is acknowledgement, there is no apology - ryan, predicting sony addressing the PSN hack (2.43.26)


  • Hair/Shaver talk (1.26-8.35)
  • What Have You Been Playing (12.10-1.26.00)
  1. Jeff talking about what he saw in his Pre-E3 week (35.10-1.02.24)
  2. Call of Duty Elite (35.15)
  3. Modern Warfare 3 (47.00)
  4. Metro Last Light (58.43)
  • News of the World (1.26.00-2.14.45)
  1. Spec Ops is still a thing (1.27.05)
  2. Still making Max Payne 3, ditto for Agent (1.24.23)
  3. Hitchhikers game (1.35.18)
  4. Hothead is making another deathspank (1.44.51)
  5. David o russel is not longer making Uncharted movie (1.47.00)
  6. Hulk Hogan is making a game (1.49.54)
  7. Kojima isn't going to e3 (1.56.44)
  8. NGP is now the Vita (2.02.29)
  • New Releases (2.16.08-2.18.41)
  1. Hunted: The Demon's Forge (2.16.20) 1+
  2. Crazy Machines: Elements (2.17.36)
  • Emails (2.20.532.34.12)
  1. Why does jeff have to spend the moneys (2.21.04)
  2. Do points matter anymore (2.21.52)
  3. Can a console survive with the sole purpose of playing games (2.25.28)
  • E3 Predictions (2.34.15-2.48.48)
  1. Microsoft (2.34.15)
  2. Sony (2.42.25)
  3. Nintendo (3.44.35)

General Notes

  • Start about the hair style/E3doo's
  • Jeff doesn't say a single word until 14 minutes and 16 seconds into the LA Noir talk
  • Brad Bucks are coined as a term