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Games completed in 2015

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  • Completed 01/01/2015

    Wolfenstein The New Order presented me with one of the most engaging and interesting FPS titles I've played in a long time. The action was hard as nails, brutal and satisfying, and stealth being such a viable option to choose on the fly was a refreshing way to play a FPS. The throwing knives alone were a great implementation into the games mechanics. 7/10

  • Completed 17/01/2015

    The perspective change from being an adult to an 11 year old girl created an incredible narrative for the second season of the walking dead. From having Lee to protect her, Clementine is ultimately alone and against the odds at all times throughout the series. I really enjoyed the story and the characters that were introduced were all interesting and offered some tough moral dilemas and situations. I hope there will be a series 3 and I hope we see Clementine again - shes too much of an interesting character to let go of. 8/10

  • Completed 24/01/2015

    It's hard to say when a game like WWE 2k15 is completed, but I'm calling it having gone through both stories of 'Showcase mode' cause I'm certainly not putting myself through 15 years of disappointing career mode. WWE 2K15 is almost a proof of concept - it has some great mechanics and the improvements to the matches is apparent. But the amount that was taken away from the current gen versions leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. The game is sorely lacking in many ways and the roster being out dated before the game even came out was a huge disappointment. I know there has to be a cut off point, but surely a patch or two cause fix some of the most pressing matters (The Shield, Stardust etc). It has to be a mediocre score which I hope isn't the case when 2k16 ships - it could be so much more. 5/10

  • Completed 25/01/2015

    Having stepped away from the series a number of games ago, I was curious enough to want to see what Advanced Warfare had to offer and truth be told the content - though enjoyable - was all still very much the same as it ever was. The motorway sequence of jumping from bus to bus was probably the high point in an otherwise average game. 6/10

  • Completed 31/01/2015

    At the end of the final mission of Unity I realised that I just don't care about the story of Assassin's Creed anymore. To be honest that's been the case for a while now, but Arno's adventure just feel stale when the narrator just goes 'So, uh, thanks'. Some techniques and skills being removed from the game entirely is a step backwards and ultimately everything just felt rather pointless. 4/10

  • Completed 01/02/2015

    With a couple of mission left hanging since 2014, I decided to get BF4's single player campagin off my laundry list. It's hard not to compare Battlefield and Call of Duty, especially when completing them one week apart from one another. I think over all I prefer Battlefield as a franchise as they focus on a larger scale when it comes to level design. You are afforded a little more freedom to act and unlike Call of Duty, I feel Battlefield advances with each new entry. 7/10

  • Completed 15/02/2015

    A replay in preparation for Hotline Miami 2 which I cannot wait for. Having originally played through HM on the PS Vita, I must say that the PS4 control scheme - though managable - is the inferior of the two versions. Hotline Miami actually worked by for me as a handheld, but either way with its trigger quick gameplay and killer soundtrack - the game itself still holds up fantastically well and makes me very hyped for HM2 in March. 8/10

  • Completed 21/03/2015

    Far Cry 4 is very much like its predecessor but thankfully with a more likeable main character and dare I say a more entertaining villian than Vaas. The issue is however, that it is too much like the last outing, I'm glad I hadn't played Far Cry 3 recently or I think I would have been bored around the 10 hour mark. The gameplay itself is fun and keeps the intensity up during the meat a potatoes of the combat making you feel like John Rambo meets a flying squirrel. The main story is okay but by the end of it the 'decisions' ultimately just came down to 'would you like to shoot this person?' I didn't shoot anyone, Pagan left on his chopper and then things just...stopped. I may go back and clear out the 3 remaining outposts and get a couple more achievements but beyond that I kind of wish there was a bit more of a resolution then we're presented with. 7/10

  • Completed 21/03/2015

    I hate Hotline Miami 2...and I love Hotline Miami 2. The game is brutally hard but when things finally go right there is an incredible sense of achievement for getting through countless bad guys unscathed. The quick fire gameplay really does keep you going back for 'one more try' and can create quite the addiction between wanting to hit the enemies where it hurts and hear a little bit more of that fantastic soundtrack. Its the perfect sequel to the original and ups the ante in all the right ways. The story is a little hard to follow, but when hasn't the series been that way? 9/10

  • Completed 12/04/2015

    A desire to replay GTA IV and its accompanying DLC lead to this. Stream lining the story still clocked in at over 20 hours showing just how much there is in GTA IV even without going bowling with Roman! Surprisingly easier then I remembered, I still really enjoy the story of Niko Belic as he comes to Liberty City. There are newer open world games that don't even come close to touching the detail found here - and I get the feeling this will undoubtedly lead to a purchase of GTA V on PS4 which will undoubtedly shine even brighter then this reply. 8/10

  • Completed 16/04/2015

    Lost and the Damned. I was surprised how much shorter this episode of content felt with a replay. I originally played lost and the damned when it first came out way back in 2009. I can't believe this content is 6 years old! To Rockstar's credit - the content and story still holds up and is great fun to play. If anything - when playing GTA 5 the 'Johnny scene' didn't hold so much weight as it wasn't fresh in my mind, but as I look back on it now, it feels far more poignant having just spent a bunch of time with Johnny in his prime. Lost for Life.

  • Completed 27/06/2015

    Witcher 3 is fantastic. It's a game you can spend hour upon hour in simply exploring or doing side quests, and these are side quests that have more going for them then some full retail games. The amount to do in the Witcher 3 is astounding. The characters are incredibly well developed and because of this ultimately the story holds a huge amount of weight. I found myself caring about every mission and every out come. Each choice was a tough one and the game itself was a joy to play from start to finish. This is easily game of the year so far - and I'm having a hard time thinking of anything that could even come close to toppling this masterpiece from the top spot. 10/10

  • Completed 21/07/2015

    Beyond: Two Souls is an ambitious title which isn't really sure what it's doing half the time. It's one part action, one part drama, one part romance, one part really should be a bit more on point. But ultimately I had some fun with the game - perhaps a little too much so as I got an overly excited Jodie ready for her date with Ryan. The strongest points of the game were the more genuine character developments and given the chance the game really did have its moments where it could shine...these weren't during the scenes where I was fist fighting 5 guys on the back of a speeding pick up. Still...a David Cage game I actually liked...that's something. 7/10

  • Completed: 09/08/2015

    Watching Metal Gear Scanlon fanned the flames of this replay. What started as watching Dan and Drew work there way through MGS 4 became my own game of keep up and ultimate take over of the duo's schedule. Now I get to simply sit back and enjoy the ride on GB. I'm a huge Metal Gear fan and though 4 is bloated with cutscenes the core game and the evolution of the series is 'solid'. The game and its mechanics still hold up now, even when compared to the more streamlined and perhaps even more improved mechanics of Ground Zeroes / Phantom Pain. 9/10

  • 22/08/2015

    In preparation of MGS Phantom Pain, Peace Walker was back on the menu having fallen short of the mark on its original play through on the PS Vita. Thankfully, the PS3 version holds up far better and is much easier to control. The bite size chunks of stealth were for the most part fun, though the ocassional infuriating boss fight threatened to grind the MGS train to a halt. Peace Walker made for an interesting experience, though the story itself was a bit hit and miss. That being said, playing this and then going straight into Ground Zeroes helped heighten the tension for saving Paz and Chico. 7/10

  • 23/08/2015

    The final stop on the tension building playthrough of MGS games was a rocket buster. Having not played Ground Zeroes for a long time and going through previous entries in the series helped highlight just how far the series has come and how it has refined its controls / stories and how its ultimately evolved over the years. Fantastic stuff - can't wait for Phantom Pain. 9/10

  • 29/08/2015

    Until Dawn has been on my radar for a very long time and i'd waited to play it with baited breath. I kept hope that the promise of in depth branching story lines was true but really I can't help but feel the game might have over promised in this regard. That being said - I found the story engaging, the graphics impressive (that face tech was some of the best i've seen from mo-cap) and the game certainly had tons of atmosphere from start to finish. 8/10

  • Completed 30/08/2015

    Having originally played through GTA V on the xbox 360, the amount of improvements to the PS4 version were too much to ignore. Rockstar's crime opus was already a masterpiece but the upgrade in hardware really helps the franchise shine. A replay didn't feel like a chore at all thanks in part to the new first person mode which really did change the entire feel of the game and not to mention all the magnificent little details that really made this a remake worth its weight in gold - 'The Big One!'. 9/10

  • Completed 31/08/2015

    A laundry list of games to complete has resulted in a few games being played as of late. The Arkham series hit its peak in the second game. I felt Origins was 'okay' but ultimately it shoe horned in yet another Joker story so you can guess how I felt about Arkham Knight which once again revolves around the clown prince of crime! I've always said I'd like to see someone else in the limelight besides Mr J, and we just never get it. The combat system which was once the crown jewel of the series has now become overly complicated and just feels like a frustration when faced with too much micro management. The game featured more annoyance then fun - and i'm sure as hell not collecting 200+ Riddle trophies just to see the 'true' ending. Youtube FTW. 4/10

  • Completed 17/10/2015

    The gameplay of The Phantom Pain is incredible, it is the best the series has ever been and one of the best games to control ever. That being said I have always been drawn to the MGS series for the story and on this front, The Phantom Pain is a little lacking. Yes there are some great story beats and moments, however the troubled development of the game is very apparent in the mission structure and some of the odd choices contained within. The saddest part for me is that this could very well be the last game in the series and while it went out with a just didn't feel big enough. Having poured a huge amount of time into the game though and it being my favourite franchise of them all - I can't help but love it, worts and all. 10/10

  • Completed 24/10/2015

    Life is Strange did the whole 'teen with superpowers' right. Max Caulfield isn't off saving the world with her abilities, she's just trying to make sense of them and do what she thinks is right. The choices were tough but ultimately I made my choices and never looked back on 'what if' - yes I may have used Max's powers to review, but 9 times out of 10 I went with my gut. It lead to a perhaps controversial ending - but it was my ending, and it was what I wanted. The story and the characters were really good and overall I enjoyed my time with Life is Strange. 8/10

  • Completed 22/11/2015

    A shoe in for 'most depressing game of 2015' - Game of Thrones is too obsessed with killing off key characters to the point of making the entire game feel like a chore. I could understand it for the first 2-3 episodes but to ultimately watch a majority of your choices lead to failure all the way up until the end was incredibly depressing. It's another telltale game - its just one that falls short of the mark in its constant need for drama. 6/10