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Deltarune Chapter 2, [[BIG SHOTS]], and Free Will. [SPOILERS / Theory Crafting]

Three years ago, Toby Fox basically stealth released the first chapter of the now episodic Deltarune...series? Or, technically singular game, considering Chapter 2 is just a free update, and not standalone. Now, Chapter 2 has released, and I got around to not just Chapter 2, but also replaying Chapter 1, just to refresh myself on the story, characters, world, etc. After playing both chapters, and falling down a bit of a hole on the Deltarune wiki, I couldn't stop thinking about it, and here I am writing about it.

But that's getting way ahead of myself. I'm glad I played the first Chapter again, because it was good to refresh myself. And even though I did remember more of what happened than I would have thought (or rather, when scenes came up, I'd remember, “oh this is the part where you can make the thing look like the duck,” or “this is where you don't follow Lancer because he has no idea where to go”), all the jokes and whatnot held up better on a second go through than I also might have guessed.

Anyway, it left me primed and ready to embark on another adventure with Kris, Susie, and Ralsei. This time as they enter “A Cyber's World” to save fellow classmates Noelle (who totally doesn't have a crush on Susie (spoilers, she does)) and Berdly from the clutches of the not really that evil Queen. Even if at times it feels like the Queen wants you to save her from Berdly, who is perhaps the most (intentionally) obnoxious character I've encountered in years.

This is the last time I play a PC game without either figuring out how to take screenshots that isn't just hitting prt sc and then manually saving the image, because for various technical reasons I won't get into, I had a hell of a time getting screenshots from elsewhere into this blog.
This is the last time I play a PC game without either figuring out how to take screenshots that isn't just hitting prt sc and then manually saving the image, because for various technical reasons I won't get into, I had a hell of a time getting screenshots from elsewhere into this blog.

The short version is that I loved it, all the writing and humor are as great as ever, at least assuming it appeals to you. Personally I love Toby Fox's brand of goofy slapstick nonsense combined with the corniest puns imaginable, but humor is always the most subjective thing. The music is just as catchy and memorable as ever (I'm going to have “NOW'S YOUR CHANCE TO BE A [BIG SHOT]” stuck in my head for weeks), and I even think a couple of smart changes make the combat better too.

Perhaps most crucially, I think Chapter 2 feels like Toby Fox and company figured out how to give Deltarune more of its own identity, so it doesn't just feel like a rehash/remix of Undertale, like Chapter 1 did, to an extent. Undertale still holds a special place in my heart, it's still one of my all time favorites, but it's good that Chapter 2 feels less like a one trick pony just doing that same trick for a third time now.

Even if the tricks are pretty similar. But like I said, the combat especially feels like it's almost at that sweet spot where it needs to be. My biggest complaint with Undertale was that there were way too many fights, and even playing the pacifist route (which personally feels like the ideal way to experience these), the puzzles to pacify each enemy type were only fun to solve once. Deltarune made that more engaging by increasing the party size from one to three, and adding a gauge that fills by defending or grazing enemy shots, and can be spent on spells to heal, or do other bespoke actions in fights.

Chapter 2 has a couple other small, but key changes. First, enemies now have a Mercy meter next to their health, indicating how close they are to being spared (removed from the fight without killing). It makes it a lot easier to keep track of things, especially because now more enemies take multiple steps to be fully removed from fights. The other key change, is that Kris is no longer the only character that can “Act” during fights, as early in Chapter 2 someone points out in dialog that there's not really any reason why the other two can't just do stuff on their own. There's still group actions that tend to be more effective, or affect multiple enemies at once, and those will use the turn for every character involved. Still, simply being able to “Act” more than once per “friendly” turn just helps make the fights feel a lot smoother than before. Now Susie and Ralsei can do more than just cast heal or defend to fill the meter!

There's also more reason than before to actually fight enemies more than once. Aside from getting money (or EXP if you're a monster and kill). Between chapters Ralsei, Lancer, and friends (probably mostly Ralsei) set up a little town, but it needs people to keep growing, and become a real community. Spare enough of an enemy type, they'll be recruited for the town, and go live there. There's even a handy checklist viewable at save spots (which also now feature a storage box for excess items) to keep track of what enemies have and haven't been recruited. I think I managed to recruit everyone in Chapter 2, and it was cool to see them around town, and how the town had expanded by the end of the Chapter.

When Chapter 3 comes out I'm just going to replay the first two on PS5 because that'll be easier in the long run. Plus, presumably I'll get Troph-dogs too.
When Chapter 3 comes out I'm just going to replay the first two on PS5 because that'll be easier in the long run. Plus, presumably I'll get Troph-dogs too.

As far as I know, there's no “game play” benefit to recruiting. This isn't MGSV where they can be assigned to do things, or anything like that. And I'm fine with that, maybe even glad. As much as the game part of Chapter 2 is the best I've played yet from the Toby Fox-iverse of games, the writing and characters are still where it's at its best. That's the main draw, and I'd rather get a goofy line of dialog or two from an NPC than feel obligated to recruit for some tacked on mechanic, or something.

Otherwise, aside from the party changing a bit throughout the Chapter (notably when Ralsei and Susie split off for a while and Noelle follows Kris instead), that's kind of it for the game part of the game. There's some environmental puzzles to solve, and secrets to be found, which...I'll get back to. It was a delight to go on another adventure with those characters, great to have them fleshed out even more, and to see Noelle get to become a main character in this Chapter. The bit in Chapter 1 where you can intrude on her visiting her father in the hospital was about all she got then, and as touching as that moment was, it was just a moment.

Susie in particular felt like the one who had the most growth from Chapter to Chapter, and probably turning into my favorite character in the game. So far, at least. Her arc in the first Chapter was basically just learning to begrudgingly work with other people, but now she's become genuine friends with Kris and Ralsei, and all the different goofs and hijinks the three of them get up to are so funny. Plus, her interactions with Noelle are also cute and kinda heartwarming, but I'll not spoil what does or doesn't happen there.

This is probably the part where I should throw up the [SPOILER] warning for real. I mentioned some stuff in passing, but what made me feel like I had to write about Chapter 2 is not just key story stuff in the game, but also theory-crafting (for lack of a better term) about the future of Deltarune, so even if you have played Chapter 2, if you want the future of your Deltarune experience to be just playing the games, duck out now and write yourself a reminder to finish this blog next decade when every chapter is out!

And if you haven't played Deltarune yet, it's still free! PC, PS4, Switch, the first two Chapters are both free, and given that Undertale is pretty reasonably priced, I can only assume that even if the later Chapters are more expensive than that, they'll be on the cheaper end of new game prices.

Like I said, I loved Chapter 2, I think it's better than the first, and even in some ways better than Undertale, despite not yet being a complete narrative. But if the story's going where it seems like it could be, I think certainly the potential is there for it to do some really interesting stuff beyond what Undertale did, but the wait will be long. Just hopefully not as long as I fear it will be.

Here's some Susie dialog before the beginning of the [SPOILER ZONE].
Here's some Susie dialog before the beginning of the [SPOILER ZONE].

[Final SPOILERS warning.]

Okay, so first, I need to go back to the end of Chapter 1. I played through that back in 2018, just thinking the game was basically all goofs and silly nonsense, without it really getting as serious or dark as Undertale did. A few moments, but mostly it was just goofs. That is, until the very end, when Kris wakes up in the middle of the night, rips what appeared to be their heart (or soul) from their body, and throws it into a birdcage. Kris pulls out a knife, there's a murderous red glint in their eye, and the Chapter ends. Cliffhanger to keep us waiting on for three years.

Chapter 2 picks up the next day, initially seeming like it was going to address that immediately, but it turned out to be a fake out. In terms of the direct narrative of the Chapter, this isn't addressed or seen until again, the very end. This time Susie has come over to Kris' house, and while she's helping Toriel bake a pie, Kris pulls the heart/soul out of their chest again, and jumps out the window. But they return, and they go watch a movie on TV with Susie, until everyone dozes off. Then again, in the middle of the night, Kris pulls it out again, and stabs the floor, creating the geyser of a dark fountain, just like the ones they and Susie closed in the two Chapters. Presumably also creating another dark world, but that will remain to be seen until Chapter 3 is out.

The obvious conclusion from the obvious narrative is that Kris is probably the one who has been creating these fountains. Reference had been made to a mysterious knight, one also referred to with they/them pronouns like Kris (shout out to canonical nonbinary characters). Not that Kris is the only NB person in the game (though I think they're the only one in the main cast), but that feels like too much of a coincidence, especially in a game where stuff like that NEVER ends up being coincidence. These things are either a set up for a joke later on, or something important to the capital P Plot.

From the end of Chapter 1. I couldn't find a good one from Chapter 2's end.
From the end of Chapter 1. I couldn't find a good one from Chapter 2's end.

So, knowing there was a three year gap between Chapters 1 and 2, and there likely will be a similar one before we get more (though I hope the writing on the Steam page means Chapters 3-5 might be released at once), and given the ending, I really wanted to know more. So, knowing I'm far from the only person who obsesses over things online, I turned to the Deltarune wiki, and did some reading. It did not take long before I realized I had missed something fairly crucial in my interpretation of what was going on in the game. At least assuming the fan interpretations are correct.

That being that you play as Kris, rather than what seems to be the case, which is that you actually play as the red heart/soul that is in turn controlling Kris' every action. Something I had neglected to even consider, but seems to be accepted as fact amongst the rest of the fanbase, is that isn't Kris' soul. But rather someone else's, who is for reasons unknown, possessing and controlling Kris. And, I think the most disturbing part, Kris is aware the entire time. Aware, and in some instances (particularly in the darker “Snowgrave” route, apparently) actively fighting against the choices and actions of the soul/player.

I'll be honest, this revelation...made me feel kinda bad. I don't think it's controversial to say the idea of possessing and controlling someone against their will is morally wrong. Especially in a game that seems to emphasize that you should try to spare enemies, and help others when you can, it just makes the fact that you have to control every aspect of another living being's life feel...bad. I'd like to think that personally I didn't make Kris do anything they would regret, because I always spare enemies, help others, etc... But then I have to remind myself that I also make Kris do the stupidest things imaginable.

Like eating moss.


They just like moss! And eating it!!
They just like moss! And eating it!!

I just think them and Susie enjoying eating moss is a really funny recurring gag, okay! When characters talk about Kris' past (presumably prior to their possession), and all the dumb pranks Kris would pull on Noelle, or other things people talk about, it makes me think that eating moss when stuck in a jail cell for three minutes is something they would have done on their own. And that they'd keep doing it after learning that Susie likes moss too. Never mind that Susie likes to eat chalk recreationally.

The idea of Kris just being a puppet also immediately put another part of Chapter 2 into a different light. That being the arc of Spamton. He is spam emails incarnate, at first just a boss in the middle of the Chapter with some funny dialog about being a [[BIG SHOT]], and [HYPERLINK BLOCKED]. He's a salesman trying to get Kris to agree to a deal, a deal that clearly no one should make, but the only way to get past him non-lethally is to ultimately agree to the deal. And once Kris does, or rather you do, Spamton slinks away, and Kris continues along their journey.

I bet for a fair number of people, that may have been the last time they encountered Spamton. In terms of the main narrative, that is the last time he appears, aside from the aforementioned Snowgrave route (a darker route that apparently involves forcing Noelle to kill a lot of enemies with ice magic). But, do a bit of exploring like I did, and Spamton can be found operating a shop in the junk area near his initial appearance. Aside from selling equipment that looks like it have game breaking stats until you leave his shop, he has another proposition for you. Find an item in a secret room in the basement of the Queen's mansion, and bring it back to him.

It was clear that this wasn't part of the main story, so obviously I had to prioritize it while working my way through the mansion, because I love doing side quests. After finding the room in question, Kris told Susie and Ralsei to wait outside while they went in to find the item. At this point I was wavering between wondering if this was all setup for a big joke, or something dark, and you'd think this area being the creepiest most menacing place in the game so far would tip me in one direction, but I still thought it might ultimately be a gag.

Anyway, after finding a data disc in a dead automaton, I brought it back to Spamton, and he uploaded himself to it, with the instructions to put the disc back where it came from. So I went back, Susie and Ralsei again waiting outside the creepy sub-basement, and loaded the disc back in. Nothing happened at first, but then...

[Hyperlink blocked]
[Hyperlink blocked]

The [[BIG SHOT]] returned, taller and grander than ever, his aspiration of reaching to [H E A V E N] seemingly within grasp. But, still to his dismay, a puppet at the end of strings, with only the soul in Kris' body as his new goal. From there Susie and Ralsei save Kris from immediately getting killed, and thus starts the Spamton NEO fight. This was by far the hardest fight I'd encountered so far in Deltarune (though having gone back now, I think the optional Jevil fight I missed the first time in Chapter 1 is actually harder), and also the most unsettling. Even without the idea in my head that Kris was also just a puppet, it felt like there was something else, something even darker and worse behind the scenes during this fight.

After the fight, Susie stops Kris and asks them if they're okay, as they seem visibly shaken in a way they hadn't been before. Now, normally I'm the sort of person that if people ask how I'm doing, or if I'm okay, I just “stretch the truth,” and say “fine,” or lie and say “yes,” even when I'm clearly not. But here, “No” felt like the right option, so I picked that, and though Kris' exact dialog is never seen (certainly an interesting choice), the others seemed real worried that Kris was screaming in a way they hadn't before. Or at least Susie was, Ralsei was a bit too quick to want to just move on, and pretend what just happened didn't mean anything at all.

From what I've read, picking “Yes” makes Kris sound strained, which I would have thought just meant they were trying to conceal how they felt. The fanbase online, though thinks it means it was another case of wanting to fight against the player's control, but I'd say either version is plausible.

I don't quite know how to feel honestly, other than that feeling of not being in control of your own's pretty relatable. Even just on a more immediate basis, I have to fight against myself to get basic things done sometimes, or especially doing anything outside my comfort zone. And even more specifically, as an NB person (like Kris is) with a chronic illness, I certainly know what it's like to feel like I have no control over my body. Not that I think Deltarune (thus far) has anything to do with illness (aside from Noelle's dad), but still. Finishing Chapter 2 on my birthday, of all days, and reading up on these fan theories, it put me in a bit of, not quite an existential crisis head space, but it certainly got me thinking about a lot of things that are maybe on the wrong side of depressing.

Addendum: Thinking about it even more after writing this blog, and I realized something a bit before I was going to post it. Not only are there so many parallels between Kris and Spamton being puppets, but also... If you choose to spare Spamton, you need to cut all the strings controlling him. Using your power to control a puppet and make them cut another puppet's strings... Forcing Kris to give Spamton his freedom (even if that ended up being an empty dream) while denying it to Kris... Just twist the knife while you're at it, Toby.

At least it gave me plenty to chew on regarding the game, and theorizing about what's going on. I don't want anyone reading this to think it had an overall negative affect on me, I still love it. It just gave me a lot more to think about than I expected it would, even if a fair amount of it is still in fan theory territory. Plus it's been a good while since I've had something that let me go into this wild theorizing state of mind, and even if the theories get dark and depressing, it's still kinda fun to think about.

Oh yeah, also there was a mech fight. My mech had the duck head. Listen, I was STRUGGLING for relevant shots that aren't fanart. I love the fanart, but then I'd have to credit the people, and I'd feel kinda weird not getting permission, even if these blogs are something I do for free in my free time, you know.
Oh yeah, also there was a mech fight. My mech had the duck head. Listen, I was STRUGGLING for relevant shots that aren't fanart. I love the fanart, but then I'd have to credit the people, and I'd feel kinda weird not getting permission, even if these blogs are something I do for free in my free time, you know.

Maybe, ultimately Deltarune is just a big metaphor for life, and how it's so hard to ever feel like anything we do, anything we choose to do has any impact at all. Or the reverse, more uplifting theme (which feels in line with Undertale's pacifist ending), which is that having enough Determination, and enough friends to help along the way, can ultimately help you overcome almost any obstacle.

More directly to the plot though...I can't help but wonder why this soul is possessing Kris in the first place? If it's not Kris' original soul, then what happened to that one? If this new soul is controlling Kris against their will, how come they can just rip it out? And why put it back in (they do seem to struggle to move without the soul)? Why are they creating new dark worlds? Considering the (mostly) fun adventures they go on, the new friends they meet, I could see an argument to be made for the creation of more dark worlds ultimately being a good thing. Or Kris viewing it that way, as these games wouldn't exist without them. Assuming they get closed before Ralsei's warning about titans comes true (though would this really be a video game if such a warning didn't come true and have to be overcome?).

Conversely, there's nothing good to be seen about slashing Toriel's tires, which makes me think that whether it's Kris themselves, or another force manipulating or possessing them, there is something malevolent going on. Unless the idea was to prevent Toriel from driving Susie home, but the town is small enough that Susie could easily walk, so I don't think that makes a ton of sense.

A thought I had, with nothing to back it up, is maybe the soul is Asriel, trying to look after his younger sibling while at college. Or maybe Kris sent their soul to watch after Asriel? I dunno, but wanting Asriel to return from college seems to be the most important thing to them, outside of the immediate adventures with Susie and Ralsei.

Speaking of, I'm more convinced than ever that Ralsei being a direct anagram of Asriel has to be important. Aside from Deltarune being an anagram of Undertale, there's no other direct anagram names in there. Kris is almost an anagram of Frisk, but missing that F. Also, Ralsei's the only goat person outside the Dreemurr family, which again, can't be coincidence.

Maybe when Kris started creating the dark worlds, they created Ralsei to try to fill the hole in their life that Asriel left when he went to college. That's certainly a more pleasant theory than the one that Ralsei is bad, actually. But even if Ralsei ends up having some ulterior motive, the whole point of these games is finding ways to make people stop fighting without hurting them, so it's not like Kris and Susie are going to kill him or anything. The most that will happen is he leaves the party for a while, like Susie did in Chapter 1 when she was goofing around with Lancer.

At least outside whatever dark alternate path is waiting in future chapters, because I'm sure there will be something horrible people can do. I'm happy to never do any of that, and only read about it in passing after the fact.

Okay, last thing. My main hope for the future of Deltarune is that if Kris is indeed being possessed by a soul other than their own, that when all is said and done, there's some sort of amicable understanding between them. That even if what the soul (us, the players) did was wrong in possessing Kris, that we at least did it to try to do some good, and part ways on good terms. Maybe with the soul getting into that “discarded” character created at the start of Chapter 1, and Kris getting their original soul back.

Maybe it'll make those lyrics over the credits, “Don't forget, I'm with you in the dark” feel reassuring, rather than menacing like they do now.

No Caption Provided

Anyway, thank you for reading. And sorry if you read all of this, because that likely means that like me, you also have Deltarune brain rot. I had to get this out of my system, and writing's the only way I know how.

Hopefully the wait isn't as long as I fear, because I'd hate to have to wait until 2036 to have the full story.

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