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Games that I've never played but probably should

I've played a lot of games, but as someone that only started gaming in 2001 I've missed a lot of classics.

List items

  • I haven't played any Zelda game, but this is the one everyone talks about most, so it's highest on the list.

  • I had friends who had this game, and I've seen it played from time to time, but I never got to pick up the controller myself and give it a shot. I think it probably doesn't hold up as well as other games from that era.

  • It seems like everyone argues if this is the bast Final Fantasy game, or FFVII is. I've played VII and must say that I liked XII better.

  • The father of sim racers. I've played enough of GT3 to get 100% and I even played that rare game GT HD Concept, but I've never played the game that started it all.

  • I've played all the Need For Speed games from 2CE till Underground 2, but I've missed out on the first one.

  • I'm told this game is a great early PS3 exclusive, but when I bought my 60 GB PS3 I had no money left over for a game. As new games came out I bought them, and haven't had a chance to go back and get this unique game.

  • Another blockbuster series that I've not played a single game from. When I first got my PS2 my uncle had found a copy of Sons of liberty at the dump, but disc 1 was cracked in half and taped together. It didn't work.

  • Another game my uncle found at the dump but didn't work. It worked up until the first cutscene outside of the first village and I loved the game up till that point, so I've always wanted to go back and play more.

  • Yet another blockbuster series I've missed out on. It's before my time. The whole fighting game genre is actually.

  • You would think that as someone who has 100% completed 8 GTA games would have at least played the first one at some point, especially since it is free now. Nope. I played it for 10 minutes once but that's about it. I'd have played the free PC version if I had a PC, but I have a Mac.

  • When it first came out I didn't have a PC that could run it. Orange Box was a shitty port on PS3, so I refused to buy it. My ancient MacBook Pro chugs when running Portal on lowest settings, so HL2 will have to wait for my next computer.

  • Never having owned a Nintendo system I've never played Metroid. I don't want to either but it is a classic so I might play it some day.

  • This is probably the most interesting Nintendo franchise to me because I have no clue what it is like. All the other ones I know what they are like and couldn't care less about them.

  • I've played Halo occasionally, but always split screen and never going through the plot. I probably should, but does it even hold up anymore?

  • I don't get this franchise, and I don't think I ever will. It seems to have a worse plot than Sonic, and the mechanics aren't that interesting either.

  • This franchise was before my time. I know SotN has been rereleased for just about everything, but is there any reason for someone who has never played the series to go back and give it a shot?

  • Given that I never played the first one, and that the overall consensus is that 2 has a terrible plot I don't see a reason to play this game other than the fact that I should at least do it so I have some point of reference for the series.

  • This game is way before my time, and I never had a chance to play it. I might jump into SC2 at some point, but I have other new games to buy.

  • I've heard great things about this game for many years. I just never did much PC gaming back in the day and this game came out well before I started gaming.

  • This was the first demo I downloaded after buying my PS3. Unfortunately I had spent the week before this playing God of War. The demo was short and I had had my fill of this type of game for the moment.

  • I always saw this game at the rental store and wanted to rent it, but a friend had told me it wasn't any good. Now I feel like I'm too far behind to get into the series.

  • This PS2 classic is one of a handful that I missed during that generation and am trying to go back and find for my collection.

  • I like Tim Schafer's writing, but I've heard the game mechanics in Psychonauts aren't good. I'm worried it might be like Brutal Legend in that way. Good writing but to terrible a game to actually play.

  • This game is a trip from what I've heard, and I love plot driven games that fuck with your mind.

  • One of the best games from the decade that I started playing games. I suppose it's understandable that I missed this game since it was never released in North America, but it truly sucks that I've missed out on this classic.

  • One of the few triple A PSN games that came out before I bought a 60GB PS3. Without a credit card it would be almost another 2 years before I could buy PSN games easily, and I never got around to buying this before my PS3 died.

  • Never having owned a Dreamcast I've missed out on a bunch of great games from around the time that I started gaming. This is one of them.

  • From what I have been told, FFX seems like one of the better FF games. I didn't play my first FF game until 2005 so I certainly didn't get this when it came out and haven't had an opportunity go back and get it.

  • I've played through THPS2, THPS3, THPS4, THUG and THUG2 getting all gaps and missions complete but I never got to play the original.

  • I love the Killzone universe of fiction. It is actually my favourite fiction in gaming. I've played through Killzone Liberation 5 or 6 times along with almost 100 hours of online. The same can be said for Killzone 2. I've read up on a bunch of backstory for the universe. I love the characters and storytelling. Yet when I played the original Killzone, I played the tutorial mission and then went straight for the multiplayer vs bots. Now I want to know more about Templar and Rico's origins, as well as look to what kind of impact Lugger or Hakka might have if they returned in later games.

  • I liked COD1 and COD2 but I dislike everything about the design of the multiplayer. It is inherently unbalanced. Also, full of shitty players and I hate having shitty players on my team. Shitty teammates make me rage more than getting creamed or spawn camped. I have no intentions of playing it, but I probably should right?

  • I saw an ad for this game in my early gaming days and it blew my mind. It was a live action ad that showed no gameplay at all though, and I had no idea what this game was like. I'm now told this game is great. I could have borrowed it from a friend of a friend but turned it down because I had no space on my memory card.

  • I've never played a dragon quest game. I considered playing this one because of the Final Fantasy XII demo, but never got around to it and eventually FFXII was released and I bought it. Do Dragon Quest games have as thought out a plot as Final Fantasy games?

  • We had an old PC in the early 90s and it had the original Prince of Persia, so I played the shit out of that. Sands of Time seemed like a rip off that was nothing like the original, so I wasn't interested in playing it. I played the 2008 PoP and really enjoyed that, so I might like to try the Sands of Time trilogy.

  • The second demo that I downloaded after buying a PS3. I played it for a bit and died a lot. Like, turn the first corner BAM dead. After about 10 minutes of making it at most 4 steps I shut it off. After I ran out of other stuff to play I tried it again and figured out what to do. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't so great that I just had to buy it.

  • I tried the demo for Bioshock and loved it. I just didn't have the money for it since I had just spent $150 on Valkyria Chronicles. I've been meaning to go back and pick it up, especially since I've heard it's an easy platinum trophy, but it just hasn't happened yet.

  • I knew I'd have to add a Silent Hill game to this list, and the forums seem to be saying that SH2 is the best one and the one to play first.