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Bloggy Blog Test

So yeh, im testing the blog on this here new site.

I have been playing so much damn  Peggle recently its hurting me.  A friend of mine recommended it to me and now I have to finish it.  I have 2 more challenges to complete and a few levels to 100%.  I think my problem is that if I pick up a small game such as Peggle then I just have to finish it or it just doesn't seem worth it!

Im going to go and pick up a copy of Soul Caliber 4 for my 360 soon enough.  I liked the others in the series so im going to give it the benefit of the doubt for know.  Im really not bothered about Star Wars characters though.  Seems like they just picked them out of a hat full of names, kind of like the jokes in Family Guy.

This was my test and now im off to have a beer in a nice bar in Southern Spain, join me if you like!!




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Edited By MrSkids

So yeh, im testing the blog on this here new site.

I have been playing so much damn  Peggle recently its hurting me.  A friend of mine recommended it to me and now I have to finish it.  I have 2 more challenges to complete and a few levels to 100%.  I think my problem is that if I pick up a small game such as Peggle then I just have to finish it or it just doesn't seem worth it!

Im going to go and pick up a copy of Soul Caliber 4 for my 360 soon enough.  I liked the others in the series so im going to give it the benefit of the doubt for know.  Im really not bothered about Star Wars characters though.  Seems like they just picked them out of a hat full of names, kind of like the jokes in Family Guy.

This was my test and now im off to have a beer in a nice bar in Southern Spain, join me if you like!!
