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Mysterio's Game Collection

A list of all the games I have owned and still own(never like to trade in games) over the years that range from old-school all the way up to next-gen and beyond. *Work in progress... this is gonna take awhile*

List items

  • The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is a game unlike any other. This game is the pinnacle of what all 3D action-adventure games have followed and will follow for years to come. This is my all-time favorite game and nothing(well, almost nothing) has ever come close to dethroning the game as the greatest ever created.

  • At the time, Final Fantasy X was the only reason I wanted a PS2. Before that, I borrowed a PS2 just for this game. I've played it over and over again. Final Fantasy X is a brilliant game and anyone who loves role-playing games will want to pick this one up. (I'm sure everyone already owns it, however)