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Hype For Call Of Duty? What The Hell...

Surely anyone who cares (or really likes hating things that still make a lot of money). there was a Multiplayer Reveal Trailer for the newest Call Of Duty. Didn't see it? Here it is:

Now then, before I get deep into this, let me give a little background into my FPS history as it relates to this craziness:

I have been playing the CoD series since two. No, not Modern Warfare 2 or Black Ops 2, just Call Of Duty 2. It's been a love hate thing most of the time but, for me, the multiplayer is an excellent time waster when you don't have the ability to sit down and get into some deep mentally challenging expereince. That isn't to mock the games themselves though. Truth be told, simple action and a bombastic story have their place, just fire up any summer blockbuster for example, so a game merely being loud and fun works fine for me.

There were dark times though during my little CoD legacy, most involving people yelling INFINITY WARD or TREYARCH at the top of their internet lungs in pointless attempts to defend a certain studio over another. For the record: I stand on the Treyarch side of things, World At War being a fun time and both Black Ops games matching up well too.

Back on topic though: Modern Warfare 3 was terrible, Ghosts wasn't much better. They were serviceable games that played and controlled as well as their peers but just lacked something to me. Though I just mocked people for siding with them, Treyarch's games always seemed to be about pushing things along for the CoD series. People will argue that may have hurt them but I think that is why the games made by them are so obviously "theirs." There is a feeling of refinement there, a sense that the studio was working to make changes not for the sake of making them but because they felt like it would work. MW3 and Ghosts lacked that to me. Even with the changes, it felt by the numbers. A Call Of Duty [Insert Number Here] because there had to be one, not because is would be great to play.

So why then, why do I feel this building hype for the non Treyarch developed Advanced Warfare? It seems simple in retrospect - It's nuts. The team appears to have looked over their design and said "Look, we're giving people power armor in the campaign, let's just crank this nonsense as far as it can go for the multiplayer!"

I applaud that logic. Call Of Duty MP, at it's core, isn't about how serious it takes itself or how realistic it should be. It's about doing crazy stuff and having others around to share it with. I could go on about how unbalanced the weapons were in Modern Warfare 3, but why bother? I could point out how the big story reveal of Black Ops 1 was kind of dumb, but for what? One way or another, you've got tales of glorious victory and occasional failure to tell. Go out there and tell them.

Just think of it - You've got a power suit and jump jets people! The possibilities for insanity are almost limitless!

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