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GOTY 2012

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  • The same game that is among my favorite games of all time, with some amazing additions, makes it hard to not be my favorite game of the year. Add in that I surely spent more time with it then any other game this year, all the more reason it's my game of the year.

  • Wow, this game really did take me by surprise. Seeing talk of it on the forums here, and then some screenshots around the time it was releasing, I chuckled, and thought "Man, that looks like utter shit." I watched the Quick Look, and then the guys playing it on the weeks TNT, and found myself really blown away by not only the style, but the music. That's really where this game is up there for me, I won't deny it. This is possibly the best soundtrack for a game I've ever heard, it fit more perfectly as I played than any game I feel I've ever played.

    Music aside, I still found the gameplay a ton of fun, and even the story was a real mindfuck of an adventure that, I hate to say it again, really surprised me.

  • Despite all the bitching about it being "more of the same, more of the same", I happened to be pretty okay with that. I surely put close to 300+ hours into the original Borderlands, and I found that the sequel improved on the first game in about every way.

  • Man oh man, the fun I had with this game. A December release that really jumped in and surprised me. I've never played the previous Far Cry games, despite having some interest in them. I agree that the story and at least your characters friends could be pretty bad, but I did enjoy many elements of the story, and some of the islands characters were really interesting, whether they did enough with them or not.

    But - and this may be the first time I've ever said this about a game, forget the story. The hunting, crafting, and exploration of this big island were incredible. I don't agree with hunting in real life for 'fun', but stalking your prey to survive and craft here was an amazing experience, that made me feel bad to enjoy it so much. Granted, when a tiger mauls you from nearby bushes while you line up a shot at an enemy controlled outpost, it's tough to feel too bad shooting some arrows at it... Anyway, never did I expect to enjoy exploring an open world game that was not primarily a Bethesda RPG or the like, but Far Cry 3 really made it fun.

    Also, punching a shark in the goddamn face is up there as one of the most insane things I've done in a video game. Doing this repeatedly to multiple sharks? Well...

  • I did not find The Walking Dead as mind blowing an experience as most did, but it was still an amazing game with some great characters and a decent story. I look forward to the next season, and where it goes.

  • Not a lot to say, to be honest. In my opinion it took the Grand Theft Auto style game, and topped it for me in about every field. The setting of Hong Kong was a really welcome change for me, over the usual main-line GTA games, and even in real life sparked some curiosity for me about Chinese culture, not something many games do.

    Also, it was pretty damn fun doing wheelies onto cars and flying 30 feet in the air... Heh heh.... Open world games!

  • Similar to Borderlands 2 in 'loot game sequel with more of the same', I actually never finished the first game, only putting maybe 20-odd hours in or so. Found it alright, but never did stick with me. Close to 40 hours put into Torchlight 2, it's up there as one of my favorite Diablo-style games. I never was a huge Diablo fan, and I can honestly say Torchlight is my preference in the genre, and I'll take a third Torchlight happily, even if it takes 6 years or so...

  • I find it kind of difficult to really speak too much about Mark of the Ninja, or I suppose the why of it being one of my favorites of the year. It is easily the most fun I've ever had in a game with stealth, really making me feel like a badass where games like Dishonored failed. I don't really know what else to say, but it's a fantastic game really worth playing, and a favorite of mine this year, whether I really remember enough or know how to explain it. *cough*

  • Yep, the game did disappoint me, and yep it was primarily over the ending. The original Mass Effect and its sequel are up there among some of my favorite games, and I really hate where they took the franchise and it's world at the end of 3. Really really hate it. Hate it. Hate. Dislike?

    Anyway... That said, until the ending it was a pretty great Mass Effect game, which entails a pretty great experience in my view, and that's kind of enough for me.

  • Guild Wars 2 is an odd game for me. I was never hooked on the original game. (Wow I feel like I said that a few times about games this year...) It was an okay game, but the gameplay and world never did really hook me. Guild Wars 2 on the other hand, hooked me on about every possible MMO field. It's the most fun I've had with an MMO since World of Warcraft, an MMO I continue to play on-and-off to this day.

    The combat in Guild Wars 2 is fun, the playable races are pretty interesting, the world is well done, and the "go to lower level zones at any level, and be scaled and just play" is a really great addition to the typical MMO formula.

    That said, I never did get higher than level 30. But I can't blame the game, I think the MMO is just getting tiring to me. Most of the genre I play now ends that way. The thing is, Guild Wars 2 gets extra points from me just for being able to return when I want, whether it is a month later, or years later, and not having to pay a dime to see the world and new content. Sure, an expansion will release sooner or later, but Guild Wars 2 is still a great MMO that is there, when I want to play it again, waiting, and for that alone I give it a lot of love.