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The Wacky Sonic Fun Zone!: Final Fantasy Sonic X Episode 1

For a lot of us, anime is the first step into more ‘mature’ storytelling. Since it’s animated it still taps into the cartoon segment of our brains, but with blood and tits and stuff like that. Whether that interests persist as we find more complex stories outside of it is more dependent on the individual than anything. Sometimes however, we don’t progress. We regress, taking the tinges of adolescence back with us into the reaches of childhood. Sometimes we return, and we bring something terrible with us.

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According to the Newgrounds wiki, Final Fantasy Sonic X is a 6 episode series of flash games that are a crossover between final fantasy, sonic, mega man, and the legend of zelda, and is praised for it’s “slick visuals and final fantasy style combat”. It also says every episode has it’s own intro starting with episode 5 even though there are only 6 episodes, and I find that sums things up pretty fantastically.

I’d like to preface this saying that when I was younger, I was one of these people. I had the sonic page of newgrounds bookmarked and I’m pretty sure I tried to finish some of these but never could. Now, as I have succeeded in several SMT games (SEVERAL) I feel much more confident in my ability to analyze and finish this disgusting eraserhead style abomination. Bandage up your arms and start moosing your hair, we’re playing final fantasy Sonic X!

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Before we begin we have an old fashion start screen. It’s weird to harken back to an era where videos didn’t autoplay, especially considering newgrounds is still a place that still functions this way.

In the description which is on the video even though I’m pretty sure even in 2004 newgrounds had descriptions. Here we can see we have xanadu32 and imageball to blame for this monstrosity crawling out of the depths of Tartarus. In the old days of “Televised Entertainment” there would give you an address and a PO box to send your dead squirrel to directly, but now you have to do some digging to upset someone.

We can also dress up sonic and sonic’s mirror verse counterpart Cinos, if that’s the type of life you choose to lead. Spoiler alert: IT TOTALLY IS

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We should probably start the game.

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castlevania sprite: I cant let Cain get this sword!! I have to something! For the sake of the world he Not used the sword to open the “Gate”.

Since most of this is just sprites talking while being static I’ll give a context screencap and then continue the text, typos and all. I didn’t miss a period or apostrophe, those are accurate transcriptions.

For those not in the know (losers) most of newgrounds is people taking sprites from games (not themselves, that would require effort, they get it from a multitude of websites) and them vaguely animating them. Which can actually work if you’re an amateur animator since you’re just sort of setting canned animations together. I don’t know who this guy is but I’m assuming from his flowing coat and reasonable proportions lead me to believe he’s from some castlevania game, one of the 80 GBA or DS ones.

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In case you’re wondering no this doesn’t work better in motion, the sprite immediately “teleports” without seemingly being there at all.

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If you don’t know where you’re teleporting it wouldn’t it be more likely to end up at the bottom of the ocean or in the depths of space? Also, Metal Sonic shows up.

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Technically this is Mecha Sonic, a character who showed up an awful lot before the Sonic series shifted to 3d which is when it started to become as anime as possible. He shows up a lot in flash videos for some reason. He also has laser eyes here, and kills castlevania here. So long new friend, we hardly knew ye.

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Oh hey tails is here. I’m assuming this sword is important to saving the world which is why you wouldn’t WANT to teleport it into the ocean but a junkyard seems pretty bad too. I mean this sword’s not particularly festive it’s just a big hunk of crap, wouldn’t someone melt it down for scraps? I’m assuming it’s like the master sword and timeless so you can’t do that but even so, it would just get revealed that much sooner.

I also feel I should mention the background. While I’m pretty sure it’s from Mega Man 8, it reminds me of the junkyard from Sonic The Movie, a made for TV special that was released straight to video in the states. If you haven’t seen it you might want to since it was probably the first real attempt to turn sonic into an actual narrative rather than just an excuse to platform. As far as I know none of the movie’s elements crossed over into the actual games, which might be because it wasn’t very popular. The movie builds a pretty big world with what it had and I think it’s by the same studio that animated the opening to Sonic CD.

After this screen we go back to the title screen I posted at the start, which plays ‘eerie’ music of someone chanting and it’s incredibly annoying because I can’t mute an individual tab. I will point out that there’s no X on the title screen, even though there’s considerably more mega man in this than final fantasy.

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We get a brief screen telling sonic a new adventure awaits that I wasn’t able to screen grab and then go immediately into his house. This brings up two interesting questions: 1 is where in the continuity this is. Are we starting from scratch, or is sonic a known figure already? 2 is since when does sonic have a house? Since there’s no wiki page for it I’m assuming he simply doesn’t have one, instead he’s just a hobo drifting about mooching off his friends or sleeping on the beach and crying himself to sleep because he’s saved the world, but he can’t find a warm cot. I mean at least Knuckles has a giant glowing emerald to act as a night light.

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Hey look who’s here. I said earlier the shift to 3d was the shift into DBZ territory but Sonic CD had a fair bit of that as well, introducing a HIP AND WITH IT girlfriend character and an evil corporate machine made by THE MAN.

Amy shows up a lot in this fan stuff as sonic’s undeniable gal or not at all. Here we go with undeniable gal.

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Sonic: zzzzzzz

Amy: SONIC!!!!!!

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See they get on each other’s nerves but it’s all in good fun, and not cliche or trite or anything.

Sonic: Alright alright I’m up! What do you want?

Amy: Thank Chaos! Knuckles is looking for you!!

I hate it when fantasy stories take everyday sayings and SPICE EM UP for their dumb made up world. No one says ‘thank jehovah!’ why would anyone say thank Chaos?

Amy: he says its important! Hes over at tails!

Sonic: I’m on my way!

And then Sonic walks out of his house like a fucking dork. What’s going on outside!?

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Called it.

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Oh hey it’s a video game! Neat!

in terms of mechanics FFSX (I really hate myself for typing that) was really ahead of it’s time. Final Fantasy XIII wasn’t released until 2009, but SSFX was making users think they had more choices than they really did in 2004!

The only option you can select here is attack, the other choices don’t even make noises when you over them making them seem broken rather than deliberately blocked off.

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Afterwards you wait for your opponent to select an option from their menu.

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Why you’re shown this and it isn’t instantly automated I don’t know.

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After a while Shadow will bitch out and defend, at which point you can access your special menu, ‘special’ presumably because it was written by a slow child. Power blast seems to do more damage but defense break has a chance to negate a defensive state, but who gives a shit? No one defends in RPGs outside of tutorials.

There’s also a typo in this description but everytime I look at it I can’t really discern what it is, like some sort of lovecraftian horror. I think it’s the music. I thought it was the song that plays during the choa race but it’s actually the song that plays during Big’s fishing segments in Sonic Adventure, which is way too intense for such a sedentary activity. I think it’s suppose to mean that sonic is taking this COOL AND BREEZY BRO because I don’t think he’s physically capable of caring anymore, he’s the lost the chemical ability to be anything but cheerfully extreme.

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It doesn’t matter what move you select, both beat shadow. also all the menu sounds are from Earthbound, which is kinda cool.

At this point I think another song loaded and I was listening to both ig’s fishing music and some other indiscernible tune, perhaps the true form of that eldritchian typo from before.

Shadow fucks off angrily and then we go to Tails’ house after earning some experience that doesn’t matter.

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This segment uses the Mystic Mansion music from Sonic Heroes, which has a pretty groovy breakdown to it. I remember as a kid thinking Sonic was the hardest series in the world, and me and my friend having sleepovers trying to get just a little further in the games, and now I won’t play DMC4 because the Nero segments are too easy. Strange world.

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Tails: look at this

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I can’t look at this image without laughing. I mean it just encapsulates everything wrong with RPGs, With Anime, With japanese medi all at once. It’s amazing.

Tails: From the looks of it you can tell its not something you can just buy...

But I can find it at Goat’s Local Dump in the two dollar pile!

Tails: Why don’t you hold onto it Sonic…

And then tails flings it across the room into Sonic’s fat fucking face!

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When I was a kid I watched a flash where in Amy went to Tails for advice on why Sonic didn’t love her and they ended up banging. Then I watched the exact same flash with shadow instead of tails. Then I watched another where some guy had used the paint tool to color in tails and named him shade. I never found out if it was all the same guy or not. I had a point to this paragraph at one point.

Shadow: I tried to defend her but they were too powerful…

sonic: WHAT!? dammit let's go!

And then they run out like a bunch of a holes.

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Yup. This is what this is.

Sonic: Who are you? Why are you here!?

Some dude: ………


Same dude: my being here is of no concern to you…

Well shit sonic maybe you should leave him alone.

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Or we could fight.

This fight’s unwinnable, I think he one hits you no matter what.

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Man this Cain guy’s a prick. Well, I guess that’s that! Kind of morbid but- oh wait there’s more.

Red question mark: How is he???

Blue Question Mark: Hes suffered serious slash wounds… Hell survive but we had to redo his structure. We also found this sword on him…

Red: Sword you say? So he is one…Well now this is his’s up to him to stop the rise of the darkness…

I don’t think those games sell very well, I mean people like them but I wouldn’t consider them some sort of threat.

Red: Status report on the other one?

Blue: He’s fine. Minor injuries and a broken pride

Just the one though!Blue: but otherwise hes OK… Oh!! He’s waking up!!!

oh gee, I wonder who red and blue could be.

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Oh it’s mega man and zero I’m so shocked. I’m not really sure what song plays during this segment but it’s a really shitty loop I can tell you that.

Sonic: My body! What happened to it! Your the one that took amy! Give her back!

Mega Man: Calm Down! I’m not the one your looking for. This is Elysium.

You mean I’m in a subpar follow up to a phenomenal movie? NO!!!!!

Mega Man: We bought you and the...other one when we saw you dying. the one.. your looking for is a man called cain. He and his group must have been after the sword you found. Your friend is training.

As if we weren’t already ANIME’D THE FUCK OUT all our problems are solved by training offscreen.

Mega Man: if you want you could try out your new body.

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Here we’re offered a choice like a real RPG, and just like a real RPG it’s ultimately cosmetic. If you say “Alright!” a copy of the “Assassin” shows up and he and sonic jump around the screen like dorks. If you say “No Way!” they just skip it.

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Mega man: let’s go. Go get shadow.

That’s technically the correct way of writing that but it’s just so jumbled. Try hard BlackDevilX.

Mega Man: First we must pass Through Hyrule…

Before continuing I’d like to point out that earlier the old 16 bit sonic sprites were used rather than the newer ones, but newer ones were used for amy and shadow. The two were very jarring at first but the whole “new body” thing was actually a smart way of handling it. However this raises some questions: Do shadow and Amy have superior bodies because of this? Is Sonic a robot now? What does new body mean? I feel like the author watched a lot of Bleach but didn’t understand some of the concepts.

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This raises some questions itself. Before Megs said we were in Elysium. Is that the afterlife or just a place named after it? is hyrule the afterlife in the sonic universe? I mean it’s a step up but heaven? Nah.

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Thankfully Amy has killed the Colossi and merged with the dark god Dormin, growing ehr to Titanic size so she doesn’t need to be rescued! Or maybe Sonic’s day dreaming.

Also, mega man is clearly still awake, most likely awakened by the colossal entity above him, staring. Preying.

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Hey it’s morning!

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I'm not sure who this is, but I'm almost certain he's an original character (do not steal) rather than a proper mega man character. More importantly, he's being followed by the one and only LORD CAIN. Are you as excited as I am about what the mysterious Lord Cain looks like-

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Oh it's just a palette swapped Zero. Okay.

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And...then it’s over! Wow that was considerably more difficult than I expected but hopefully you enjoyed it. I didn’t, and I’m certain the future installments will some how be even longer! Oh boy! oh...oh boy.



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Haha. The crazy shit Sonic fans make will never cease to amaze. I did not know what to expect from this blog, but I really enjoyed it. I love your perspective as a former-Sonic Weirdo, and the aside about the weird flash movie with Amy banging Tails was hilarious. Overall a funny blog; really long though! Maybe split the next one into a few parts; I assume a lot of people will see this and not read because of the wall-of-text-ness.

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This is great. Sonic fanfics are the best/worst. I wish I can love anything as much as Sonic fans love Sonic.

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Edited By Odie_Esty

@supermike6: I think that'll be a necessity. This one's a magnitude above the actual flash, and the whole reason I decided to do this was because I figured I could knock it out in half an hour. I really enjoyed doing it and I'm happy you and @audiobusting: enjoyed it enough to comment!

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I commend your sacrifice and enjoyed reading this.

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I understand that kids are weird, and I guess that at one point in my teens I was pretty weirdly into Star Trek to the point I read a few bits of slashfic, but the elaborate mythologies that Sonic fans would put the characters into goes beyond the pale of anything I've seen with other IPs, I feel like.

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@arbitrarywater: I always appreciate someone taking the time to let me know they enjoy my stuff!

@veektarius: It's definitely bizarre. I mentioned in this...update? Episode? In this chunk of wasted time that anime acts as a bridge from childhood to more mature storytelling. I think Sonic does the same but at a younger age so it's effects are amplified. Compared to it's contemporaries Sonic actually has kind of a complex story to it, especially the 3d ones with all the clones and interlocking stories, so if you've just had your interest piqued for the first time and want to explore the story potential of a world, Sonic's a pretty good place to start.

I know that because I did it.

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That was a really fun read, reminds me of when I used to visit Newgrounds all the time as a kid.

It also reminds me of a flash animation I used to watch. It was a crossover between Mario and Sonic that was HEAVILY influenced by Dragonball Z. The one thing I remember about it was that the fight scenes in it were REALLY well done. "Super Mario Bros Z" I think it might have been called? I would look it up, but I'm afraid it's probably my memory making it out to be better than it was.

Edit: You're gonna do the rest of these right? I wanna see where this goes, but I don't want to play them myself, haha.