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2014 Game of the Year

It's another new year! 2014 saw me having more time to play games, and also the first complete year with the new generation of consoles. Here's my unique list of my ten favorite games of 2014!

List items

  • Some people love this game. Others hate it. It took a while to get into this game since I didn't have anyone to play with it. The only times I got to play with others are the matchmaking in Strikes. Once I reached out online to forums and started having groups to explore the weekly events and raids, I understood the game. This game is meant to be played with friends who you can communicate and coordinate with. Once you reach the end game and start getting the cool armor and guns to raise your level beyond 20, the game becomes way more fun, especially with the crazy perks some of the things have. Plus, LOOT! So much loot to grab.

    Some people complain about the lack of content, and I sort of agree. But I feel this is a really solid foundation, and the mechanics are solid. Plus I don't feel bad about repeating levels when I have different people and different strategies to try each time while grabbing loot. I'm having a lot of fun with the game, and I can't wait to see how this game evolves.

  • Fibbage was going to be on my list, but then this showed up. The games in this pack all are played with phones/tablets meaning I never have to worry about controllers and the rules of the games are easy enough that anyone can get into it quickly. Plus I live with a bunch of assholes, so I keep winning at Word Spud by filling the phrases with things involving pants.

  • Dance Central was one of my favorite series on Xbox 360 and the top reason I owned a Kinect. Now the series has better graphics, MUCH better tracking with the new Kinect, and weekly DLC. Oh, and all the songs have eight different routines. I absolutely love this game and I try to play it every week. If you hate dancing and fun, this is not for you.

  • It's still Super Smash Bros. Sonic is still in it and me using him pisses everyone off. But now the Animal Crossing villager is in there and I can chop trees. Aside from annoying people with my play, I own some Amiibos and it's an interesting aspect to the game. I'm curious where these things go, but I'm having fun with them learning my style and pissing me off too.

  • inFamous: Second Son is my first game in the series since I didn't really play anything on PS3. I had a fairly new PS4 and love open world games, so I picked this up purely to have something to play. The graphics are fantastic and the powers are fun, though they're all fairly similar when attacking. The fact I got a platinum trophy on this games tells how much I enjoyed exploring the world for collectibles.

  • I bought 3 additional controllers and Move controllers just for this. This collection of games are so much fun when you have a group of friends to play with. Super Pole Riders may be my favorite, mostly for new players' reactions to the crazy controls and the inability to do exactly what you intend. Johann Sebastian Joust is a dangerous game and people physically/emotionally will get hurt. If you play, I recommend keeping loose furniture/pillows away from the play field or you will get hit by them. Also the bonus game Get on Top is rapid and stupid as hell. I laugh every damn time.

  • If you're a fan of South Park and RPGs, this is a near-perfect example of both. The art and writing completely captures the show, with a "best of" collection of references and jokes. If you go around collecting everything in the world, there are some crazy deep cuts to specific episodes that I really appreciated. The game wouldn't make my list if it also didn't play well, and the RPG mechanics are solid and feel like an actual game rather than a parody. I don't want to ruin much of it, so you should play it.

  • This is the best Mario Kart game. Period. I know the rule is usually "your first Mario Kart is your favorite" and that was true for years with Mario Kart 64. But Mario Kart 8 has fantastic tracks, optional but neat customization, and the game looks gorgeous. And screw the haters, using the wheel to control the game is dumb fun. "I'm using tilt controls!"

  • Patrick's videos of The Binding of Isaac are what drew me to this game. I kept thinking of buying it, but I had heard things about Rebirth coming to PS4 and Vita and this seemed like the perfect mobile game. The exploration and constantly screwing yourself is frustrating, but it keeps drawing me back. Cross-saves are a huge plus too.

  • Before this game came out, I had no idea what it was exactly. The abstract screenshots and trailers not showing real gameplay seemed confusing and intriguing. But everyone at Harmonix assured me that I would get it when I tried it for myself. After getting to try a demo, it clicked and I was sold. The music creation and aspects are fresh and well done and it's a blast to play. My only issue is I wish the story mode was a little better.