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I didn't used to suck at FPS's...Old Gamer'll happen to you

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It's A Great Time To Be A Gamer: Part One - 2007

Like so many other console generations the first couple years are pretty dry in terms of games being released. The Xbox 360 and the PS3, released in 2005 and 2006 were no exceptions to this, but starting at the end of 2007 we saw a seemingly endless stream of games that were either peerless in terms of innovation, polish, or scope. One after another these titles carved out modern gaming controls, storytelling, and mechanics. In short it was as they say, "a great time to be a gamer." This was the herald of what would be the best years of that generation. From 2008 to 2011 the number of superstar games was astonishing. This is the first list.

List items

  • Today it might sound weird, but I didn't buy this game for the multiplayer, it wasn't even on my radar. I was astonished at the gorgeous single player campaign, the smooth graphics,and the action adrenaline pumped story that was, at this point, not overused. More than all that I was shocked by how much I loved the multiplayer. Before this I had not really had an interest in online multiplayer, but now I was leveling and prestiging with the rest. Its no secret that this game exploded the gaming market drawing people who never considered themselves gamers before. Its influence on the first person shooters is undisputed. Every developer making a shooter at this time took a long hard look at this game and said to themselves..."Damn!"

  • I didn't buy this game intentionally. I bought The Orange Box, because I wanted to play Half Life 2. That was all well and good but when I tried Portal, it was like finding a 100 bucks in your couch cushions. I was immediatedly in love with GLaDOS and her dark humor. The puzzles were more fun than a puzzle game had any right to be. A unique and unexpected experience that had me smiling the whole time.

  • Atmosphere.

    When I placed this game in my PS3 I could almost feel the humidity in the room go up. No game before nailed atmosphere quite like this. Rapture to me is a real city and you'll never convince me differently.

  • After Mario found his 3rd dimension he and I kinda lost touch. This game brought him screaming back into my world. The creativity and innovation of this Mario game put the round red capped plumber back on top, and it made the Wii more than a novelty console for me.

  • Uncharted: Drakes Fortune and the whole Uncharted series is a developer crash course on how to make a cinematic video game. The shooting mechanics in this first on were a little klunky and the enemy AI was stupidly annoying at times, but that didn't stop me from getting sucked into to one of my favorite video game adventures ever.

  • To be fair I didn't play this one in 2007. I played it after its sequel when they both were released on PS3, however there is no doubt in my mind if I had played it then I would have been blown away by this Star Wars-esqe space opera. It boasted a well developed universe, characters, and races combined with RPG elements and an innovative dialogue system where choice mattered. True it was another control klunky game, however, it was well worth it for everything else.

  • Assassin's Creed promised a deep system of tracking, stalking and assassinating. While it wasn't quite as free and deep a system as I had hoped. I loved every minute of chasing down Templars in the Holy Land during the Crusades. The scope of the Holy Land, the semi-historical story, Assassin vs Templar intrigue, made it interesting for me. Many people lost interest in the repetition of the mission prep, and I can't blame them, but I enjoyed the other parts too much to notice. Thankfully the games to follow would learn from its mistakes.