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PolarisInParis' Top 50 Games Ever (as of 5/16/20)

completely objective consumer guide for video games to play in 2020 games I like the most

List items

  • One of the ballsiest, most feature-complete and well rounded video games I've ever seen. Pro Mode, incredible setlist, tremendous art style, even the menus are lovely. I play Rock Band 4 today, but 3 is unquestionably the Greatest.

  • geralt

  • Takes riskier and grander story swings than I've seen in most narrative media, let alone video games, and I adore every character in it. And the people who says it plays bad are wrong!

    Fuck nazis.



  • sons of drewberty

  • An optimistic and non-cynical story from Rockstar? wtf this game owns

  • This may be at number 7, but I don't know of another video game that so consistently puts a giant smile on my face. The greatest platformer yet made.

  • Last year I watched Citizen Kane for the first time, the Resident Evil 4 of movies.

  • Talking about how Doom is good is like discussing the virtues of water. It's so apparent, so obvious. This game is a masterpiece.

  • What a fucking thing. Season 1 of the Walking Dead is jaw-droppingly good.

  • Aggressively, hyperactively charming and fun. I love the shit out of this game.

    Nintendo, can we please scrap Metroid Prime 4 in favor of Elite Beat Agents 2?

  • Kinda cheating because you can get all of Hitman 1 inside of 2, but this thing is just bursting at the gills with great content and it's sense of humor rules.

  • Especially with TLOU2 coming soon, seeing a lot of folks poo-pooing the "mediocre movie game" lately, but man, the writing is so fucking good, it looks tremendous, and plays so smoothly.

  • I love XCOM 2 equally as much as XCOM 2 hates me.

  • Watching Metal Gear Scanlon 3 lately has really exposed some of the holes in MGS3's narrative, but the Boss is still one of my favorite game characters ever, and the rest of the bosses in here are pretty good too.

  • Man, I wish Super Mario World was even half as inventive and charming as Yoshi's Island.

  • This one got really swept under the rug by lots of folks, but Arkham Knight's story is the best of the trilogy and it's absurd how pretty it looks. The Batmobile feels just MMMMMM to smash around, and it's just got random bouts of great style in places you wouldn't expect. Big fan.

  • Please excuse me for getting artsy fartsy here: I think the best measure of art's success is how much it can do with the least. A comic book that makes a punch with 4 panels is superior to one that takes 16 panels. Kinda-but-not-exactly-like-the-phrase "Brevity is the soul of wit."

    Consequently, Shadow of the Colossus does a whole, whole, whole lot with a fairly barren map, 16 big colossi, and not much else. It's comfortable with silence, with letting you fill in the gaps with your own thoughts and musings. I respect the hell out of this game's confidence.

  • I had to work up the courage to putting this one up here, but this is just what my heart says is right. Uncharted 3 has both the best setpieces and some of the most fulfilling and rewarding character development of the whole series, and while it's definitely a bit scrappier put-together than 2 or 4, the highs are just so high.

  • Yeah Warzone is good, but PUBG strikes a perfect balance between crazy-ARMA-controls and arcadey fun. Like it a lot.

  • Rashid is my favorite fighting game character of all time, and the animation in this game is soooooo fluid and dynamic. Really wish they'd have polished up the online connection more over the last 4 years, but playing SFV after months away feels like slipping on a nice old coat.

  • Super Mario Bros 3: it's very good. It's at number 22 on this list.

  • Yeah, all the online creations rule, but even the single player "Art's Dream" campaign is my favorite story content of 2020, and sculpting 3D models with two Move controllers is tremendously therapeutic.

  • This game owns. I'm putting it lower than 3 because, again, 2 prioritizes the rollercoaster and 3 prioritizes the characters, but that rollercoaster is pretty damn fun.

  • GO, GO, GO, GO

  • You have to get past Chris Hardwick being a part of the cast, but even for someone who played Borderlands 2 on mute to avoid it's writing, Tales from the Borderlands is maybe the funniest game I've ever played.

  • I'm extremely hot and cold with Rockstar stories: either they're great (RDR2) or just the absolute worst (GTAV). GTA4 definitely has some stretches of sigh-inducing dialogue, but it also has some pretty great bits of story, too. GTA4 avoids GTA5's cardinal sin: 5 thinks that it's terrible, awful characters are supposed to be cool and fun, and 4 doesn't attempt any of the same pretenses. If 4 is a Martin Scorsese film, 5 is a Michael Bay film.

    Also, Liberty City has a tremendous sense of place, and the RAGE engine's physics were the best in 4, too.

  • Nominating both Bayek and Ancient Egypt to the list of Best Characters of the generation.

  • ASSASSIN'S CREED 3 RULES. I'm sorry, but there's no beating around the bush, this game is easily the coolest Assassin's Creed yet made, and I promise you that I'm not trolling you.

    Like, I seriously have never understood all the hate surrounding this game. There's a ton of variety, Kenway and Connor are both very good in their own ways, and it does a surprisingly good job of commenting on the foundational hypocrisies of America.

  • There's a very good chance that I will die having started a new playthrough of Okami and never beating it, about 50 times, but each of those 50 times I will be like, "Man, Okami is pretty cool, huh."

  • This is MY list, these are MY games, and Shift 2: Unleashed rules. The soundtrack and presentation combine to deliver a kickass message of "these cars are fucking scary and will fucking kill you if you're not careful." We'll never ever get a remaster of this game in a million years, but lord would I appreciate one.

  • Look, Breath of the Wild is great. It's great! It's GREAT! I'm not saying anything to the contrary! It's a tremendously good game. I just personally don't feel as crazy attached to it as some folks do. Still like it a whole lot.

  • It looks real good, the shooting feels meaty and satisfying, and while I can easily see how the writing would turn off lots of folks, I love it's cheese. Good game.

  • I won't be competitive at T7 in a thousand years, but I can still appreciate how baller it is.

  • This list was made on May 16th, 2020. If you had asked me 5 years ago to make it, Portal would probably be top 10 material. But I dunno, time has revealed that I don't think about Portal 1 that much, or have much desire to replay it. A supremely crafted game, but one I'm fine admiring from afar.

  • From time to time, I still fondly glance through the "here's random inspiration for your levels" book that came with SMM. An incredibly neat thing, this game.

  • I'll be honest, I beat this in early 2017 and remember it mostly in broad strokes, but I also don't think I'll ever forget Majima's introduction in his club, or how much Kiryu is just the best. Fucking rad-ass game.

  • Working my way through this (I imagine I'm about 4/5th's of the way done), but GOD the writing is SO GOOD it makes me want to SCREAM.

  • You've not seen heaven until you've seen how this game moves. The animation is so exuberantly expressive, and the game as a whole is such a peppy, spunky, fresh thing.

  • The Marauder can go to hell (wait, I guess Doomguy goes to hell quite often, The Marauder can go to purgatory), and "mortally challenged" makes me want to rip off my ears every time I hear it, but looooooooooord Eternal plays like a dream.

  • I know a lot of folks would probably pick Tetris as the game they'd introduce folks to video games with, but I might be inclined towards Super Mario 64. It both really lets you platform at your own speed and pace, and is super colorful and creative.

  • Maybe this would've been higher on the list if it had shaved off like 6 hours of it's runtime, but Isolation is still fantastic.

  • I feel so bad that other games keep coming out and feel like more pressing obligations than Sleeping Dogs does, because the characters of Sleeping Dogs rule and I'd love to see how it ends one day.


  • The less said about Inside, the better. It rules.

  • Suicune is the best legendary, and Crystal takes me back to a better time and place. I'll be fond of it forever.

  • The last Gran Turismo before you had separated A-tier and C-tier models for cars, before you had a screwy and goofy online system, before Gran Turismo got up it's own ass. GT4 is jam-packed with automotive goodness, and it's intro video still sends chills through me.

  • bnapbnap plerbahplerbah

  • someone made a calculator in this thing. woooooooah

  • Again, MY list here. The Phantom Pain both plays incredibly well, and is such a tremendous letdown of a Metal Gear story. Ground Zeroes gets to sidestep those expectations, and is a little powder keg of replayability and Kojima silliness.