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Gaming Franchises That Are Declining In Quality

These are the few game franchises that were amazing at first but have declined drastically in terms of quality. The new games either lack new ideas or they stray far from the source material, making them unappealing and disappointment to fans and gamers alike.

Arranged In Order:

More description coming soon.

(Feel free to suggest anymore gaming franchises that you think have gone down the drain)

List items

  • Sega really needs to rethink their strategy properly.

  • After the acquisition from EA, the Command & Conquer series has never been the same again.

  • 3DO was high on drugs when they were making newer Army Men games.

  • Konami should not let third-party companies develop the Silent Hill games. What's wrong using your own employees? I know the original Team Silent have since bit the dust but is it so hard to appoint other people from Konami to make these games?

  • After Men of Courage, the Commandos series has become a forgotten casualty of war rather than a hero.

  • Ever since Dark Forces and the Episode I games, I've not played or seen a single Star Wars game that meets the outstanding and awesome criteria. LucasArts is losing its touch.

  • I'm not saying the new Pokémon games are bad but if Game Freak doesn't come up with new fresh ideas and would still stick to the same formula, the franchise will fall in no time.