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Living Room, PC Gaming

I am an avid PC gamer, but not a pro gamer by any means. I've played a lot of console games mind you, from the NES all the way to the XBOX360, but I have always preferred that mouse and keyboard combination - and the ability to truly customize my game, and my gaming platform.
I also, like some of you, now have a family - wife and a kid, dog and a cat. While I love my family, shutting myself away for hours back in my "man cave", as I like to call it, to play some PC games, doesn't always gel very well with the girls. And working in the web-hosting business, I get to sit in front of a PC a majority of my day. Coming home to sit in front of another PC for my entertainment has gotten less and less appealing over the years. Solution?

Build a rig for the living room!

If you are a PC gamer as well, the first question you might be asking is: "Mouse and keyboard on the couch? Really? Headshot much?" 
That was the most difficult part of the project, and required many many trips to the local Fry's Electronics. However, I found this gem of a product: Microsoft Comfort Desktop 5000 with Bluetrack technology. Look it up! This Bluetrack mouse works on just about every surface I have tried, and has made PC gaming from the couch a reality for me. It offers extremely precise control as well - it isn't as gimmicky as it sounds. 
Surprisingly, the adjustment hasn't been that problematic. Now granted, with games like Dragon Age: Origins, World of Warcraft, Diablo II and strategy games, this transition was quiet easy (and quite comfortable I might add!) - My TF2 and CS:Source matches are still needing work,  but by no means is it impossible or dreadfully worse than some might imagine a transition from the desk to the couch to be. And a true ladder match of any kind will always require a desk.
Some other myths/theories I was facing:   
  • 1280x720 on my 720p Samsung 40inch LCD + a DVI to HDMI cable = loss of quality? 

Quite the contrary. I was amazed to discover the display quality of my games had little to zero degradation  from my high contrast 1600x1050 ViewSonic 25 inch wide screen PC LCD. Keep in mind, physical distance from the TV plays a factor here, due to the resolution. I would love to do a side by side comparison, but I am pretty sure that overall presentation even rivals my XBOX360 HDMI setup. I would also love to try this on a 1080p LED/LCD - I can only imagine it looking even better. 
  • Sound quality
A 3.5mm stereo jack to RCA to my home theater didn't present any problems, and wow, do home theater speakers/sub make a difference for a game! I need to get an optical 5.1/7.1 surround sound card to really make this part of the experience shine. And thank the nines for Bluetooth headsets.
Having had this setup for only a few weeks, I can already tell you it was a great decision. The family time has gotten more exciting, and sharing the PC and the web this way has made for a really cool experience overall. Bringing the PC into the living room is a must try for all you Dads out there wanting to do some gaming, and share music, the web, etc. with your spouses and/or kiddos. Move over consoles.


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Edited By pureguava

I am an avid PC gamer, but not a pro gamer by any means. I've played a lot of console games mind you, from the NES all the way to the XBOX360, but I have always preferred that mouse and keyboard combination - and the ability to truly customize my game, and my gaming platform.
I also, like some of you, now have a family - wife and a kid, dog and a cat. While I love my family, shutting myself away for hours back in my "man cave", as I like to call it, to play some PC games, doesn't always gel very well with the girls. And working in the web-hosting business, I get to sit in front of a PC a majority of my day. Coming home to sit in front of another PC for my entertainment has gotten less and less appealing over the years. Solution?

Build a rig for the living room!

If you are a PC gamer as well, the first question you might be asking is: "Mouse and keyboard on the couch? Really? Headshot much?" 
That was the most difficult part of the project, and required many many trips to the local Fry's Electronics. However, I found this gem of a product: Microsoft Comfort Desktop 5000 with Bluetrack technology. Look it up! This Bluetrack mouse works on just about every surface I have tried, and has made PC gaming from the couch a reality for me. It offers extremely precise control as well - it isn't as gimmicky as it sounds. 
Surprisingly, the adjustment hasn't been that problematic. Now granted, with games like Dragon Age: Origins, World of Warcraft, Diablo II and strategy games, this transition was quiet easy (and quite comfortable I might add!) - My TF2 and CS:Source matches are still needing work,  but by no means is it impossible or dreadfully worse than some might imagine a transition from the desk to the couch to be. And a true ladder match of any kind will always require a desk.
Some other myths/theories I was facing:   
  • 1280x720 on my 720p Samsung 40inch LCD + a DVI to HDMI cable = loss of quality? 

Quite the contrary. I was amazed to discover the display quality of my games had little to zero degradation  from my high contrast 1600x1050 ViewSonic 25 inch wide screen PC LCD. Keep in mind, physical distance from the TV plays a factor here, due to the resolution. I would love to do a side by side comparison, but I am pretty sure that overall presentation even rivals my XBOX360 HDMI setup. I would also love to try this on a 1080p LED/LCD - I can only imagine it looking even better. 
  • Sound quality
A 3.5mm stereo jack to RCA to my home theater didn't present any problems, and wow, do home theater speakers/sub make a difference for a game! I need to get an optical 5.1/7.1 surround sound card to really make this part of the experience shine. And thank the nines for Bluetooth headsets.
Having had this setup for only a few weeks, I can already tell you it was a great decision. The family time has gotten more exciting, and sharing the PC and the web this way has made for a really cool experience overall. Bringing the PC into the living room is a must try for all you Dads out there wanting to do some gaming, and share music, the web, etc. with your spouses and/or kiddos. Move over consoles.
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Edited By Sticky_Pennies

Really? I tried using a DVI to HDMI cable for my PC (9800GT, 1080p TV) and reading text that wasn't black or white was entirely impossible. It was all blurred, and no amount of playing with contrast, sharpness, and the like helped. Colors popped more nicely, but overall the text problem was irritating enough that I just went back to using my VGA cable. Then again, I sit practically three feet from my TV (it's only 32", I'm allowed to!) so, I guess that could be a factor?

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Edited By pureguava

You know, "results may vary" will probably never ring more true, especially for a project of this nature. 
Windows 7 gives you a lot more control over your fonts and display - so on the OS level, things look great for me.
I would imagine the type of TV one is using, the distance, size, and aspect ratio all play an important role. My Sumsung in particular has a preset "Movie" selection that works great for most games I have tried. Key phrase: that "I have tried". I still have yet to play many games in my library, so only time will tell. The colored text in World of Warcraft have been a bit jagged, but never enough to cause huge complaints on my part.
I will follow up with another post as I continue to play around with this setup.

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Edited By Kblt

I guess it's time for you to legally acquire some films to watch?

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Edited By pureguava
@Kblt: Heh... with Hulu, Netflix and everything else out there now, I have to say I have considered purchasing a capture card and an HD antenna, and canceling the TV portion of my TV/Internet account. Would save me about 50-60 dollars a month. :)
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Edited By Kblt

That's a marvellous idea.

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Edited By raddevon

I'm doing this myself on a 1080p set, and it works beautifully. I have one thing to add that is most relevant for 1080p resolutions: you need a very large TV if you are any distance from it. In the days of SD, you could get away with a 50" TV and sit 12' from the screen. Now, at 1080p, you need an 80" screen to view at that distance. Check out this calculator which will tell you what size you need based on the viewing distance.
I know you're probably rolling your eyes right now, but this is really a big deal. If your TV has more dots making up the picture than you can see at your distance, that detail is completely lost to you. This is especially important with a PC where you often view small text, but I have even noticed problems seeing my 360 copy of Borderlands which is only running at 720p! I have a 46" TV that I am viewing at about 8 feet. I really need a 55" or 60" to see all the detail at that distance.
If you keep that in mind, gaming on a PC from the couch is really a fantastic experience. You can get great deals on PC games. They run at higher resolutions than their console counterparts. There is more flexibility in the control schemes (Choose between keyboard/mouse or 360 controller). There are mods available. There are tons of reason to at least have a gaming PC available as an alternative to your console(s).

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Edited By CriPPleR

Yay I am not the only one who games on PC from the couch! I have my PC hooked up to both my 24" 1080p monitor using DVI and my 50" 1080p Pioneer Elite HDTV using HDMI at the same time. I use a wireless controller receiver to connect my 360 wireless controller to my PC for console centric games and a wireless mouse and keyboard for FPS and RTS games.  Granted I have this set up in my gaming / man cave I have been tempted to try it in my Home Theater. :)
You can find a pic of my set up here:  This article if from when I won IGN's PC of the Week contest. This is a old pic I moved to PC near the monitor but the set up is the same.

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Edited By Diamond

Surfaces for mouse support and a good place to put a keyboard would be a major issue for me if I tried that.  Mouse+KB on the lap does not work, and leaning forward is even worse.

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@Diamond: you can get one of those bed breakfast trays you always see on tv.
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Edited By Diamond
@kitsune_conundrum said:
@Diamond: you can get one of those bed breakfast trays you always see on tv.
I've tried different flat surfaces on my lap, I need at least a few inches of height off my lap.  Unless there's some miracle in floating desk technology I don't think it's going to be an option for me any time soon.
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@Diamond: the trays usually rest on the couch or whatever your sitting on and the good ones have adjustable legs.
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Edited By crusnchill
I used to hate the thought of being a mainly console gamer. But when I had a particularly bad week computer-wise. I sent it in to the local repair shop and played some more than I normally would on my Xbox 360. It's been 9 months and since I got my XboxLive account I've enjoyed using it near enough EVERY single day save for holidays when I'd go away for a short time. :-) 
Trust me, it's not as bad as it first may seem.
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Edited By Kblt
@Diamond said:
" @kitsune_conundrum said:
@Diamond: you can get one of those bed breakfast trays you always see on tv.
I've tried different flat surfaces on my lap, I need at least a few inches of height off my lap.  Unless there's some miracle in floating desk technology I don't think it's going to be an option for me any time soon. "
Plug in a 360 controller into your USB port and game on.
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Edited By pureguava
@CriPPleR: Great tip on using the XBOX360 controller on the PC for certain types of games! How do you solve the keyboard and mouse dilemma that some have mentioned here?
I have found that using the keyboard in the lap and the mouse on the couch has not been that difficult. I have to lay back a little, but it is extremely comfortable to "console game" on the computer, with your legs propped up on the ottoman. The keyboard I purchased also seems to have the lap use in mind, as it is extremely wide, with rubber grips on the bottom as opposed to plastic risers. It also has a great palm rest with kung fu grip, this has helped immensely.
So I tried some Borderlands last night from the couch. It took a little adjusting but I have to say, this wide spectrum laser technology in the mouse is amazing. I had no problem zero'ing in on the heads of my victims.
@crusnchill:  Not to turn this into a kb/mouse vs. controller discussion! Don't  get me wrong, I have no shame or fear in using the XBOX 360, check out my profile. =) While I know that there are some insanely skilled gamers that use the 360 controller, and that it is a great tool to game with, it just doesn't give me that "unsmooth" quick look around response in FPS that I love about the kb/mouse. It's great for certain things, however, like XBLA.  
@Diamond: Clearly there is some kind of market out there for PC couch gamers. You can google for "lapboard" and you get a number of options. I found this one some time ago: Phantom Lapboard. Looks cool, but I remember it being kind of pricey.
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Edited By Al3xand3r

Could you just use that mouse on the side of the couch? Or does that get uncomofrtable? Seems like a good, spacey mousemat style place.

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Edited By pureguava
@Al3xand3r: I am a right-hander. I sit to the far left of the couch, and you are spot on, I basically have an entire seat cushion to the right of me to use as my mouse pad. On occasion I have used a pillow to rest my mouse arm on, but overall it works great.
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Edited By Kblt
@Al3xand3r said:
" Could you just use that mouse on the side of the couch? Or does that get uncomofrtable? Seems like a good, spacey mousemat style place. "
I use controller for some games and keyboard for some games. With K and M I lay back and put the K to the left side of me into an empty spot on the couch, same with the M. If I keep the K on my lap my shoulder starts to ache. But hey, everyone with their own style.
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Edited By CriPPleR

@pureguava: I use one of those fold out wooden breakfast tables for the mouse and keyboard. I use my couch pillows for back support. Works great, I can also roll my PC chair over to the TV if I wanted to be closer but I never really do that.

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Edited By iam3green

cool,i want to see this in a  picture. it sounds really coolt o hear that.

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Edited By rockhardalibi

The mouse-on-the-couch issue is a tricky one for we PC couch guys.  
The solution I've found is the Belkin Cushtop - turned upside down and sideways, with an oversized/custom cut mouspad on top. 
Just sit it right next to you. The Cushtop is the perfect height to keep your elbow bent at a nice ergonomic angle, and the incline offsets the depression you make in the couch next to it.  
This gives you ample flat mousing space and a perfect surface for mouse.  
It's a small project with a big payoff in comfort and function. 

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Edited By andytizer
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Edited By oDawg
You can change the size of fonts (to make 1080p readable on  a tv)  if you have WIndows 7.   You can do this in vista and xp but it doesnt work nearly as well.   
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Edited By zityz

It can be a headache sometimes to set up but once its all in place its amazing. I have my PC in the livingroom on a corner desk. I usually hook up my HDMI onto my Sharp aquos 47" if i want to stream a movie or something off my pc. Cable lengh can get pricy though.
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Edited By korwin

I'm mad ghettoing it with a lounge room setup at the moment.  I just pulled one of my reclining chair's front and centre in front of the 55" and have used a piece of shelving as a desktop across the arm rests.  5.1 HDMI audio out from my 5870's to my amp make for a well awesome experience (Especially over my normal z-5500 PC speakers).