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Favorite Games- Pt. 3

See list number one for all my top favorite games

List items

  • A monkey with super intellect creates a helmet that brainwashes apes and releases them to do his bidding so he can take over the world and make a universe only for monkeys! These playful monkeys are ready to act for the camera as they take popular movies and tv shows and turn them upside down to brainwash humans to bow down to them! From Friday the 13th to Star Wars! Now it's up to you and your trusty net to capture every last monkey!

  • Ever wanted to see who won in a battle- Mario or Sonic? How about Ike against Link? Or maybe Lucario against Meta Knight? Or have you ever wanted to play as Pit one last time after all these years of hoping for a sequal to the classic NES game? What I'm saying is that ther'es something for everybody in this game- it could be listening to classic tracks from the Legend of Zelda series, collecting all kinds of Nintendo goodies, or just having one chaotic battle gainst your friend who insists Luigi is totally a better fighter than Solid Snake, but you say otherwise....

  • Banjo-Tooie was the game that got me interested in video games besides Pokemon and Mario. You play as a bear named Banjo with a bird named Kazooie as you set out in this classic platformer to take down the evil witch Gruntilda and her evil and stupid minions who are out to take you down.

  • Pick you gender, name you character, choose you Pokemon buddy, and set out to collect every badge and catch every Pokemon in the world to be the best of them all! I would go to daycare and sit and play this on my Gameboy Color for 9 hours a day non-stop until I beat all the trainers and became the best Pokemon trainer in the world!

  • Buy clothing, place furniture in you house that meets you tastes, catch bugs, go fishing, help towns folk, go to the bar, celebrate Christmas, dress up for Halloween, or set off fire works for the 4th of July... There is always something to do in your town.