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Games I want other game steal ideas from

...err I mean be influenced by or something.

So your GTAs and your Call of Duties and your Gods and Gears of Wars and your Halos have had plenty of other games following the paths they laid out. Here are some games which I would like to see become influential.

I must say I never thought I'd have as many first person games on this list as there are.

List items

  • The underlying mechanics of the tactical strategy in Valkyria Chronicles are really, really cool.

    Everything else the game does? Well the menus are particularly atrocious, but the story, the storytelling (though the storybook style set up of how the game goes about telling its story is rather... erm... novel, the lack of autoscrolling text during the non voiced scenes and the decision to have each chapter kick you back out into the menu when it ended, rather than just rolling into the next scene grew to be annoying), and the trial and error heavy nature of the mission design, almost seem like they were intentionally designed to annoy the fuck out of me. I'd like to see those good parts co-opted by something a bit more suited to my tastes.

  • This "game" is not so much a game, but seemed more like a brief series of interesting ideas for how to tell an interactive story. And those ideas are rather clever if you ask me. I'd like to see them utilized in a longer and more fully formed game.

  • Building shit is fun, as this game demonstrates. I'd like to see more games incorporate a build your own fun shit type mechanic.

  • When the free-running stuff works it's pretty damn cool. Movement in first person shooters is something that could stand to improve a bit, right? I think so.

  • This one is a case of "I'm really exactly sure what specific ideas I'd like to see other games take from this, but there's gotta be some in there because this game is fucking awesome."

    The co-op aspect and the real time action rpg combat certainly could be good places to start looking for ideas.

  • First person platforming done right. And the world design, with all it's non linear metroidvania splendor. And basically everything. This game is great. Plenty of sources of inspiration to be found.

  • Combines shooting with tactical elements of planning out each mission, and I'd like to see more of that.

  • First person melee combat and stealth mechanics done well plus an almost rpg like game design around it, with an open-ish world and even side quests.

  • The rpg system and the objectives that can be approached numerous ways? How bout them for starters.

  • "I'm really exactly sure what specific ideas I'd like to see other games take from this, but there's gotta be some in there because this game is fucking awesome."

  • "I'm really exactly sure what specific ideas I'd like to see other games take from this, but there's gotta be some in there because this game is fucking awesome."

    I guess maybe specifically the social links are a cool idea that other games might benefit from.

  • This game has plenty of strange ideas and mechanics. Some of them surely would be a good source of inspiration for... something?

  • The insanity effect stuff was pretty cool. Actually lots of things about this game were pretty cool, but I, personally, always felt like for whatever reason this game added up to less than the sum of its parts. But oh man, those parts are pretty great.

  • "I'm really exactly sure what specific ideas I'd like to see other games take from this, but there's gotta be some in there because this game is fucking awesome."

    Since I can't really think of a specific thing here how about this game inspire making your game fun?

    ...Okay, fine. There are probably other potential sources of inspiration to be found from it. Just don't ask me to come up with any at this moment.

  • Okay, it's true that these games aren't exactly cult favorites like most others on this list. But like Killer 7 these games are full of neat ideas that might deserve some attention. Though depending on your taste hour long cutscenes filled with ridiculous and overwrought nonsense may not be one of them. (I personally love it but that's something I'd rather see stay with Kojima and this franchise)

    Specifically I think of neat things like putting a code you need on the box art or the boss fights against Psycho Mantis and The End (sniper guy from Snake Eater) as being the sort of bizarre elements other games might be able to include. If they wanted, and if it fit with the game. I would want a few games to give it a shot, and that's why these games are on the list.

  • "I'm really exactly sure what specific ideas I'd like to see other games take from this, but there's gotta be some in there because these games are pretty fucking awesome."