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Best of 2012

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  • Phenomenal. I wish I'd played the last episode in one sitting, rather than over multiple sessions.

  • Story had promise, went weird fast. Best parts were everything other than the story.

  • Playing Ironman is truly an awesome experience. I only wish they'd done more, given it more meat - other than the sectopods, you basically see most of the enemies relatively early on.

  • This should be game of the year, it was so good. Except, I'm confused why it was so good. I mean, it's a GTA clone with a good story and less side-stuff to do, but yet... Loved it.

  • Absolutely excellent game. Too bad the story was boring, but the gameplay felt completely wide-open - basically exactly what Deus Ex was trying to do, but this game succeeded.

  • I don't remember much good of this, other than Jack's level as a Vanguard on Insanity is almost impossible. Sure, the ending was balls, but it's still Mass Effect.

  • Pretty good, decent setup, and having to play through twice to get the best ending was a nice touch.

  • I haven't seen a lot of the secret stuff, but once I got some tips and learned how to game the system, had a blast with it. Not that deep, but it doesn't need to be.

  • Ubisoft really did some impressive technical stuff with the frontier and tree-running and ship combat. Too bad there's way too many "features", and Connor has about 1% of the personality of Ezio. AC: Revelations is actually better than this, and that had plenty of pointless fat too.

  • It was Diablo. Very much like I had remembered, only lacking in the 'fun' part.

  • Great combat, empty world. Amazingly, incredibly empty world. I once described Morrowind as a "single-player MMO" as a compliment, and I'd do the same for this, but as a criticism.