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Games -I- liked that everyone else seemed to despise.

These games were (at least to me) extremely fun and even though they may not have been the best of the their kind or gotten the best reviews, -I- (and a few friends) had some awesome times and a lot of memories and hours of fun with them.

List items

  • It kind of took a dump on the entire storyline and backstory of the FALLOUT franchise but a top-down Baldur's Gate-esque game with guns was pretty damn fun.

  • This game was completely AWESOME! Interrogate some poor schmuck and then jam a drill-bit through his head... what else can you say except "epic!"?

  • Maybe it's because I'm an EVIL DEAD nerd but this game was a lot of fun in it's own way. There were some funny moments and all the deadite smiting one could handle. A few glitches aside, another fun game!

  • This game got a lot of flack for being just another God of War clone (and in a lot of way it -was-) but that doesn't stop it from being a fun game with a pretty interesting story (at times) and with a lot of mythological mish-mash thrown in for good measure.

  • Another game that was underrated and truly unappreciated. It was a 3rd person shooter that let you travel through time, kill aliens, zombies, and cyborgs... -AWESOME-!

  • This game was cool, brutal, and just awesomely fun for a FPS.

  • Another FPS that was pretty fucking funny and had a decent storyline. The "haunted mansion" level was just great and the one-liners were just so cheesy that it made them great. This was the first TimeSplitters game I played and honestly... it was my favorite.

  • This game got a ton of shit for being a "Play test" to see Star Wars games were still in-demand and marketable. All that aside it's still my favorite Star Wars game-to-date. A lot of people bitched that after the first level (the Hoth battle) that this game just went down hill. I heavily disagree. This game was absolutely stellar and if you didn't like it... oh well. They obviously got -you- to pay money for it so get over it.

  • This game was pretty damn good considering the slough of movie-based games that just completely suck ass. It was a basic hack-and-slash with some basic upgrading and a kill-grading scale that made combo-stringing a lot of fun. Of all the LOTR licensed games from the movie franchise this one is by far my favorite.

  • When I started this game I'd never played any other Oddworld games so this was my first glimpse into the world and from what I've been told it's another one of those games kind of like Brotherhood of Steel, where it's completely different from any other games in the franchise. There was something horribly satisfying about using cuddly creatures as projectile ammunition.

  • Now this game is a hit and miss. Yes it was fun and it gave you a bit of a dabble into a larger Final Fight world. Could it have been done better... most definitely. Could it have been done worse? You bet your ass. Take a game for what it -is-. Not what it should have been.

  • This game was fun and almost GoldenEye like in it's delivery. In a lot of ways it was kind of the same feeling of "nerdery" I got while playing Shadows of the Empire.

  • This game was great and the SEGA version far-trumped the SNES version with it's level designs, weapons, and pure fun factor. GWAR bitches!

  • Was it infuriating? Yes. Was it confusing and did you have to use cheat codes just to do anything? Yes and yes but it was cool seeing a medieval DOOM clone. Simple as that.

  • Spider-Man or Venom? The choice was yours. Featuring music by Green Jello!

  • Childish, cartoony, fun.

  • Choose your Jedi and hack-and-slash your way through Episode I! Storyline be damned (as if that ever even mattered anyway) be whoever the hell you wanted!