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Most Anticipated Games from E3

Games?  At E3?  You had best believe it

List items

  • I am an unabashed music game fan, in the vein of one who likes to learn, so "more realistic instruments" tops my list. And they did it for me! How kind.

  • Very excited for the game, but I'm going to avoid coverage, generally. I just want to experience the game to the fullest

  • I did love Rez, and this whole 'Kinect' thing hasn't quite mashed for me. Maybe this will do it.

  • Not this one, but the new one with Move. Mostly because Move intrigues me, but they had better sell me on more than a hundred dollars worth of new hardware if they want to get anywhere. And sell it hard

  • Completely off my radar, but this idea has hooks! Hope the execution is good.