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Platforms: The Present

Platforms I currently use.

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  • Here's my main gaming platform these days. I game on my phone every day... I've become a casual gamer. Oh well.

  • I log into a game on the PC every day, but I don't play on the PC as much as I used to. I just don't have the time.

  • Following my retrogamer attempts with Gameboy platforms, I finally launched myself into the new world with the PSP-2000, the best PSP there is, without the pitfalls of the PSP-1000 or the later problems (screen graphics display was different, etc.). I bought it with Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, which was the only PSP game I had for a while.

  • I waited until I couldn't wait anymore -- there were just too many good RPGs on this system after a while.

  • I bought it for Xenogears, but it's good to have to play other newer Nintendo DS games, too.