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Sour Hour with Lemon

Alright, so I'm a little on edge at the moment, this is the third time my blog shit crapped on me (yes i coined the phrase shit crapped, you can use it if you like). My internet connection is so weak in my apartment, and I was too lazy to go through my stuff just to snag an ethernet cable. So, for those who read my blogs consistently you would notice that I haven't posted much for the last few weeks. That is because I was on a little 10 day vacation most commonly know as Spring break. You may have heard of this, and you also may have tasted the sweet sweet nectar that comes from a nice needed break. My break mostly consisted of playing vids, watching vids, spending time with my girlfriend, hanging out with my brother at his apartment, spending some quality time with my family etc. It was a relaxing set of days :)

Oh and did I mention I Saw Bret "The Hitman" Heart at BJ's restaurant? No? Well please allow me to elaborate on this. Alright, so my brother, his girlfriend, and I enter BJ's and get seated at the corner window with the nice puffy couch seats. First of all, I'm going to have to brief you on our waiter, (Or I guess we have to call them "Servers" now...ugh), because this guy is just a complete goof. His name was Wayne and he's 34 years old, yes I remember, why? Because he told his life story of how long he's been a waiter/server at other restaurants and how he loves the enviroment because talking to people is what he enjoys the most. I would be cool with that, if he just wasn't so wiered and creepy. For example, my brother was about to take a bite of his chicken sanwhich,which is decorated with the standard toothpick through the middle, when all of a sudden Wayne comes from around the corner and says, "Be careful with that toothpick." We all felt that he was just trying too hard to be liked. Ok moving on.

So my brother is the one who spots him first. He turns to me with a super serial facial expression and says, "Steve, there's a man behind you that looks like Bret Heart." All we talked about during our lunch was whether or not it is or isn't Bret Heart. Luckily my brother had his iphone with him and googled Bret Heart Fremont California. Apparently Newark, CA is hosting wrestler fest over the weekend. We also googled a recent picture of him and his signature pony tail and cap popped up. It was him. Let me tell you guys, he was pretty tall, we'll i'm 5'7 so not much to say from a height point of view. But this guy was big. He definitely still has his wrestler physique. So in conclusion, my brother and I were to embarrassed to say hi and just let him be. He totally thugged out in Canadian Casual, except he sported a S.F giants hat.

I just got back from my class so I'm a bit tired. I'll end it there, and enjoy this picture to bring some memories for those that cared 10 or so years ago like me.

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Edited By Steve_Ramirez

Alright, so I'm a little on edge at the moment, this is the third time my blog shit crapped on me (yes i coined the phrase shit crapped, you can use it if you like). My internet connection is so weak in my apartment, and I was too lazy to go through my stuff just to snag an ethernet cable. So, for those who read my blogs consistently you would notice that I haven't posted much for the last few weeks. That is because I was on a little 10 day vacation most commonly know as Spring break. You may have heard of this, and you also may have tasted the sweet sweet nectar that comes from a nice needed break. My break mostly consisted of playing vids, watching vids, spending time with my girlfriend, hanging out with my brother at his apartment, spending some quality time with my family etc. It was a relaxing set of days :)

Oh and did I mention I Saw Bret "The Hitman" Heart at BJ's restaurant? No? Well please allow me to elaborate on this. Alright, so my brother, his girlfriend, and I enter BJ's and get seated at the corner window with the nice puffy couch seats. First of all, I'm going to have to brief you on our waiter, (Or I guess we have to call them "Servers" now...ugh), because this guy is just a complete goof. His name was Wayne and he's 34 years old, yes I remember, why? Because he told his life story of how long he's been a waiter/server at other restaurants and how he loves the enviroment because talking to people is what he enjoys the most. I would be cool with that, if he just wasn't so wiered and creepy. For example, my brother was about to take a bite of his chicken sanwhich,which is decorated with the standard toothpick through the middle, when all of a sudden Wayne comes from around the corner and says, "Be careful with that toothpick." We all felt that he was just trying too hard to be liked. Ok moving on.

So my brother is the one who spots him first. He turns to me with a super serial facial expression and says, "Steve, there's a man behind you that looks like Bret Heart." All we talked about during our lunch was whether or not it is or isn't Bret Heart. Luckily my brother had his iphone with him and googled Bret Heart Fremont California. Apparently Newark, CA is hosting wrestler fest over the weekend. We also googled a recent picture of him and his signature pony tail and cap popped up. It was him. Let me tell you guys, he was pretty tall, we'll i'm 5'7 so not much to say from a height point of view. But this guy was big. He definitely still has his wrestler physique. So in conclusion, my brother and I were to embarrassed to say hi and just let him be. He totally thugged out in Canadian Casual, except he sported a S.F giants hat.

I just got back from my class so I'm a bit tired. I'll end it there, and enjoy this picture to bring some memories for those that cared 10 or so years ago like me.

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Edited By Claude

Cool story, bad server and google FTW.

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Edited By Tireyo

I think that it's odd that when people want to know something, the first thing to comes to mind is Google. 

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Edited By SikhCuz

yeah thats cool.
that waiter was a try hard lol
"be careful with that toothpick"
lol ur bothers a vampire xD

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Edited By Steve_Ramirez

google is magic

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Edited By SikhCuz


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Edited By sasshole
