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Best of 2011

I still intend to play:

Saint's Row 3

Assassin's Creed 4

Warhammer 40K

Deus Ex 3

List items

  • This is one of the best games I've ever played. I'm a big fan of Fallout 3/NV but I greatly prefer the far more varied world of Skyrim (not to mention the far more varied color pallet.) The combat is so much better than Oblivion's. As someone who likes the idea of pen and paper RPGs but doesn't have the time or imagination to dedicate to a pen and paper RPG, Skyrim manages to scratch the itch.

  • Everything that was awesome about Arkham <s>Horror</s> Asylum, but bigger and better, although I really wish the main campaign was a bit meatier.

  • It's the better modern combat series. I don't really feel like elaborating on it.

  • There are things I absolutely loathe about this game. It goes beyond the fact that the motion controls are largely bullshit, but there's a lot of stuff that the Zelda engine has done since OOT that are just unacceptable now. Having to center the camera behind Link and make sure you're running straight forward so you don't screw up a jump is bullshit. The "holding left on the stick and running in a circle and not picking up the rupee in the middle" thing is bullshit. Flying is bullshit. The lack of a true overworld is bullshit. The first two hours of the game are bullshit... and the list goes on...

    But you know what? This game is awesome. It almost pains me to say it, because I don't want to like this game that I've played three other times, but I do. I do a lot. Exploring is fun, and the puzzles are great.

  • It's everything that was great about 16 bit games, with all of the sensibilities and conventions of modern games. It's got the best soundtrack of the year. It's gorgeous, it's great, you should play it.

  • There have been a ton of tower defense games with a strong action component released this year and many of them have been excellent. This spot could easily go to Toy Soldiers Cold War or Trenched/Iron Brigade, because both of those games are awesome, but neither of them was as good as Dungeon Defenders. Dungeon Defenders's probably has the least impressive graphics, but the leveling system is paced perfectly, it's the biggest, most varied and most fun of the three. Dungeon Defenders also seems to have the biggest online following, with the benefit of being on Steam.

  • I've never played Minecraft and I really don't have the desire to, but Terraria consumed me for a good three weeks this summer, and now that we're several patches in, I think I'll go back to it soon. I'll take it over Minecraft because it has a huge nostalgia factor going for it, this game was just slathered in 16 bit goodness, and that's about the quickest way for me to fall in love with a game.