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What'cha Been Doing Pt. 11: Silent Pixel Blobs

   This week!
A Boy and His Blob
Pixel Junk Shooter
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories

Lets get shit started

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A Boy and His Blob

I never played the original A Boy and His Blob and going into this the only real thing drawing me in was the impressive art style, what lay beneath all that was a surprisingly fun game. The platforming combined with using your blob to transform into different things is very interesting and they manage to pull it off quite smoothly with the only real annoyance being the controls. Flipping up the radial menu, selecting what bean (which transforms your blob into something) then aiming where to throw it feels clunky. And it could've benefited by taking out some of the ways you can change then mapping it straight to the D-Pad. There's no real story to A Boy and His Blob. It just starts out with you and the blob meeting...then doing levels.

A Boy and His Blob is a simple game. There's not many buttons and the story is non-existent. I really liked that, actually. It felt so incredibly relaxing not having to worry about an over-arching story and just being able to run through levels. The enemies in A Boy and His Blob are...blobs. Black blobs (racist). You die in one shot (or touch from an animal) which would be frustrating but the checkpoint system in the game is so forgiving that you'll more than likely start around 30 seconds from where you died. A Boy and His Blob is an impressive game, it looks great and the only real problems with it are the controls and after you're about 2 hours into the game, it doesn't feel like there is much left to do beside play a level that looks completely identical to the one you just played about 30 minutes ago. 

Pixel Junk Shooter
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I've never played a Pixel Junk game before and this game seemed like the perfect one for me to enter on. It looks great, it's very simple, and it's just damn fun. The "fluid dynamics" are such a great, unique concept that is performed beautifully and doesn't just look nice, plays a significant part in the game. The levels are set levels which will usually have a big piece of rock, which you shoot out, blocking some kind of lava or water. Once you shoot that out, the ridiculous physics of this game comes into play and the fluid goes everywhere.

Unlike A Boy and His Blob, Pixel Junk Shooter seems to kind of throw a story in there, you'll capture little dudes who will sometimes pop up into a speech bubble and tell you about his/her crew going ape-shit and deserting the person. Adding a story to the game was...dumb. It serves no point and isn't intriguing whatsoever, although honestly, I don't think it was supposed to be. Pixel Junk Shooter is fine game (did I mention it looks good?) and for 10 dollars you'd be a crazy-man not to pick this up. Buy.

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories

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At the beginning of Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, they tell you "This game plays you as much as you play it" and it's correct. It's incredibly immersive. Using the wiimote for things like the flashlight and hearing people on the cell phone works very well and sucks you in deep. Silent Hill: Shattered Memories is one of the best looking games I've seen on the Wii and the while there isn't much variety in the enemies, they will freak you the shit out no matter what. The decision to not have guns or weapons in the game was a great one and makes the game feel like a real "Survival Horror Game"

At the end of certain sequences in the game you'll run into a chase scene where you'll be getting chased by the crazy monster things in the game. During those sequences, the controls seem a little weird and will kind of spas out at random points but once you get over that, the chase scenes deliver an amazingly tense and fun point in a game filled with excitement. I was never a huge fan of the Silent Hill franchise and I never played the original Silent Hill. But I don't see how the original could top this in any way. Buy


Dexter- Hello, Dexter Morgan: A
Scrubs- Our Role Models: B+
Modern Family- Undeck the Halls: A-
Glee- Sectionals: A
Survivor- Damage Control: A
The Office- Secret Santa: A-


Killer Movie: D-
Public Enemies: A
Worlds Greatest Dad: B+
Knowing: C-
The Taking of Pelham 123: A-


Need For Speed: SHIFT
Left 4 Dead deux
The Saboteur

Week done, GOODBYE.  


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Reviews: 40

User Lists: 13

Edited By TheGamerGeek

   This week!
A Boy and His Blob
Pixel Junk Shooter
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories

Lets get shit started

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A Boy and His Blob

I never played the original A Boy and His Blob and going into this the only real thing drawing me in was the impressive art style, what lay beneath all that was a surprisingly fun game. The platforming combined with using your blob to transform into different things is very interesting and they manage to pull it off quite smoothly with the only real annoyance being the controls. Flipping up the radial menu, selecting what bean (which transforms your blob into something) then aiming where to throw it feels clunky. And it could've benefited by taking out some of the ways you can change then mapping it straight to the D-Pad. There's no real story to A Boy and His Blob. It just starts out with you and the blob meeting...then doing levels.

A Boy and His Blob is a simple game. There's not many buttons and the story is non-existent. I really liked that, actually. It felt so incredibly relaxing not having to worry about an over-arching story and just being able to run through levels. The enemies in A Boy and His Blob are...blobs. Black blobs (racist). You die in one shot (or touch from an animal) which would be frustrating but the checkpoint system in the game is so forgiving that you'll more than likely start around 30 seconds from where you died. A Boy and His Blob is an impressive game, it looks great and the only real problems with it are the controls and after you're about 2 hours into the game, it doesn't feel like there is much left to do beside play a level that looks completely identical to the one you just played about 30 minutes ago. 

Pixel Junk Shooter
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I've never played a Pixel Junk game before and this game seemed like the perfect one for me to enter on. It looks great, it's very simple, and it's just damn fun. The "fluid dynamics" are such a great, unique concept that is performed beautifully and doesn't just look nice, plays a significant part in the game. The levels are set levels which will usually have a big piece of rock, which you shoot out, blocking some kind of lava or water. Once you shoot that out, the ridiculous physics of this game comes into play and the fluid goes everywhere.

Unlike A Boy and His Blob, Pixel Junk Shooter seems to kind of throw a story in there, you'll capture little dudes who will sometimes pop up into a speech bubble and tell you about his/her crew going ape-shit and deserting the person. Adding a story to the game was...dumb. It serves no point and isn't intriguing whatsoever, although honestly, I don't think it was supposed to be. Pixel Junk Shooter is fine game (did I mention it looks good?) and for 10 dollars you'd be a crazy-man not to pick this up. Buy.

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories

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At the beginning of Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, they tell you "This game plays you as much as you play it" and it's correct. It's incredibly immersive. Using the wiimote for things like the flashlight and hearing people on the cell phone works very well and sucks you in deep. Silent Hill: Shattered Memories is one of the best looking games I've seen on the Wii and the while there isn't much variety in the enemies, they will freak you the shit out no matter what. The decision to not have guns or weapons in the game was a great one and makes the game feel like a real "Survival Horror Game"

At the end of certain sequences in the game you'll run into a chase scene where you'll be getting chased by the crazy monster things in the game. During those sequences, the controls seem a little weird and will kind of spas out at random points but once you get over that, the chase scenes deliver an amazingly tense and fun point in a game filled with excitement. I was never a huge fan of the Silent Hill franchise and I never played the original Silent Hill. But I don't see how the original could top this in any way. Buy


Dexter- Hello, Dexter Morgan: A
Scrubs- Our Role Models: B+
Modern Family- Undeck the Halls: A-
Glee- Sectionals: A
Survivor- Damage Control: A
The Office- Secret Santa: A-


Killer Movie: D-
Public Enemies: A
Worlds Greatest Dad: B+
Knowing: C-
The Taking of Pelham 123: A-


Need For Speed: SHIFT
Left 4 Dead deux
The Saboteur

Week done, GOODBYE.  
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Reviews: 2

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Edited By MetalGearSunny

PixelJunk Shooter is the first PixelJunk that looks interesting to me. I do want.

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Reviews: 2

User Lists: 18

Edited By Claude

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories is on top of my Christmas list. I can't wait to play it and seems to have some replay value too.