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Towlie: Favorites

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  • Bring Down the Sky is a downloadable mission available for Mass Effect that was released on March 10th 2008 for the Xbox 360 and on July 29th, the same year, for the PC version. For the mission BioWare inserted a new asteroid into the Asgard System. Shepard and his team are tasked with stopping this asteroid before it collides into Terra Nova and kills millions of innocent people. Batarians are also introduced into the universe. In this mission they are portrayed as an extremely hostile race with vengeance in their minds. They hijacked the mobile asteroid and put it in a crash coarse towards Terra Nova in order to avenge the Batarian lives lost when humans colonized their home territory.

    It is priced at 400 points or 5 dollars. Some gamers question whether or not the 5 dollar price point is validated by the 90 minutes of gameplay. The mission is free to download for those with the PC version.

    It is currently unknown if and when Bioware will release more downloadable missions.

  • The Downloadable content for Grand Theft Auto 4, titled "The Lost and the Damned" will be released February 17th

  • Bethesda has announced 3 downloadable content packs for PC and XBox 360.

    * Operation: Anchorage: Add-on featuring a virtual simulation of the liberation of Anchorage, Alaska from the Chinese Communist invaders. Scheduled for release in January.

    * The Pitt: Journey to the ruins of Pittsburgh, a raider-infested city now known as The Pitt. Scheduled for release in Febuary.

    * Broken Steel: Join the Brotherhood Of Steel as they attempt to rid the Capital Wasteland of the remaining Enclave forces. Scheduled for release in March.