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Old racing games I have fond memories of

 No particular order :D
Another racing game that I couldn't find: 
-Lamborghini American Challenge 

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  • Never played the first one but this one really satisfied my disturbing craving to run people over and see their blind smearing all over the asphalt. It was until Grand Theft Auto 3 that I had a chance to do this kind of thing again, although GTA didn't have NPCs with limbs that could disconnect. I also miss playing as Big Mother Trucker and running into the glass walls of the airport.

  • One of my favourite games as a kid although it gave me blisters on my fingers. I think it was really hard too but something about it was great. I think it was the environment and the day and night. It had a great atmosphere. I really liked Top Gear 2 too, but I didn't spend as much time on it. I think I only rented that one.

  • Both Screamer 1 and 2 had great environments to drive through and I loved the rain and the cloudy clouds. I loved driving in first person in this game.

  • This game was so crazy. They should make more of this or games like this. You can't get more arcadey than this. Loop de loops that require speed and careful handling to make it through and the crashes Oh the crashes! I just loved totalling my car in this next to Destruction Derby. Oh and Fatality in a racing game?? Brilliant! Even if it happens to you.

  • Road Rash was such a cool game and whipping someone with a chain and seeing them fall off was so great. I think I remember being able to run over grannies too, or was that just Carmageddon? Anyway, this game had a lot of style; I liked going into the different venues and seeing the crazy caricatures talking to you while rock songs played in the background. The only thing bad about it was the loading time. Other than that, I enjoyed all the rest even the running back to your bike after falling off part. That's how much dedication it took to finish the damn race and win some cash.

    I think I remember being able to buy new weapons too. Road Rash 3D was fun for what little I played of it because it was only a rental. They need to bring back this franchise...and NOT tone it down.

  • I was so addicted to this game back then. Immediately turned on this game each time I got home from school. The damage on car models looked so realistically satisfying back then that I didn't care that I was doing badly. Well it did get frustrating after a while but seeing others getting maimed by the rear end of my car was the perfect therapy for a kid. I spent almost zero time on the actual races and went straight to the Derby Bowls.

    I went back to this game some time ago and it didn't look great. Well obviously, but my memory had such a fond memory of this game that I actually thought it would look like Burnout :\

  • I don't remember which one it was but it was the one on the PC that let you create your own tracks and make a lot of crazy bumps. I don't know if it was the first time you could do this. But this game had so much in it. I also loved the weather settings. I made some great tracks (one called "Butt Breaker" where there'd be a lot of bumps that took your bike way up into the sky). I also liked the foggy weather which made one of my tracks look like a perilous adventure up a snowy mountain and then the return home by way of steep slope going down down down

  • Great music. First racing game I played where you could do tricks in the air I think. The game also had really great music.

  • I don't remember which Hot Pursuit I played. I just remember the fun of playing a cop. I genuinely enjoyed chasing down a bad guy, ramming into the side and stopping him from going any further long enough to make the arrest. You could also call for backups if I recall correctly and you could place traps. That was sweet.