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User review which I have written for Undernauts - #review #gamereview

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Game to Watch Out in 2021 (In Construction)

This is only a draft

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  • After playing the game during in one of their “open dev” open betas, I have to say, Humankind is shaping to be an amazing game not just a simple Civ Like game but something else and even beyond, as much of it design dialogues with stuff developed by the 4X and Grand Strategy genre overtime.

    Without the rigid “win” conditions you have a much more flexible and organic to play, allow for a much better self-expression and emergent gameplay.

  • With release at 30 March, when can safely say “It's almost harvesting season” and with also a long early access it already a fairly solid game.

    The setup is an prequel to Warband, where you have the Calradian Empire fragmenting in three empires after a tragic battle, with several other factions coming in.

  • At first glance Baldur’s Gate 3 appear to have to deal with a lot of expectations, but it already has two advantages, first it is trying to be it own thing, rather than just a one by one sequel, meaning it have it own identity; Second, the Early Access, which not only reveal the game at this stage really good and running smooth, but maybe also will help to adjust said expectations.

    In my experience on the Early Access, I could see the combat which capture well the improvisation nature of combat in tabletop. Plus the character creator is very good.

  • If you want a wonderful dungeon crawler jrpg, please keep an eye on this.

    This, as the name suggest, are two games in one, first you have the “Saviors of Sapphire Wings” and also “Stranger of Sword City” remastered.

  • I still need to start playing the previous ones, but let's also remember this one is coming out.

  • I remember watching the anime a long time ago, but let’s see if still hold up or it even better (as often adaptation of VN aren't famous for being good).

  • To be fair, for a while I did watch Re: Zero it was only during the last season that I really start to enjoy the show. So I am got curious about this game.

  • I confess I have a weakness for good character creation, and Nioh 2 appear to have a good one, also the whole samurai fashion dress up thing of the first was something I also enjoyed a lot.

    From what I heard about 2 it appear to really good. But on the other hand I was never really good at the first game, like I could deal with normal enemies, but the bosses and Yokai (or whatever it was) was another story...

    However, I am still a bit on the fence, since I was not exactly good on the first game so I am unsure about this one.