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Jade Empire is no Taito Legend

Last night, before going to bed, I felt like watching a movie and could not decide what to rent. I must have been really tired because I woke up to the Rodney Dangerfield movie "Back to School" on my 360 in HD. What a waste of points that was. Moral of the story, don't ponder what movies to rent when ridiculously tired.

No respect at all.
No respect at all.

I also woke up to having bought Jade Empire on Xbox Originals. The difference is that I remember doing this. Jade Empire is a game that I bought on release back in 2005,
I will kill you with my bare hands.
I will kill you with my bare hands.
then sold a while after. I probably put a good 12 hours into the game, but never finished it. I really like the combat in this game, and it has the dialog system from KOTOR and Mass Effect. An overlooked game in my view.

My live streaming continues. Today's game was Taito Legends 2. Oh boy. The game I couldn't stop laughing at was Bonze Adventure. It's way too funny for it's own good. It's not even intentional.